Goodnight : I’m laid here in the... - British Liver Trust

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justdontgoogle profile image
51 Replies

I’m laid here in the darkness unable to sleep.

Dad died this evening.

His liver and his kidneys just couldn’t cope anymore.

Me, my brothers and my mum were all with him as he passed.

I am utterly broken.

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justdontgoogle profile image
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51 Replies
Eddie3801 profile image

I’m so so sorry...

in reply to Eddie3801

I'm so so sorry to hear if your Dad's passing. It is a truly terrible time for you and your loved ones. I send you all my deepest sympathy and condolencies to to you all. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I will pm you with my mobile number if you would like me to do so

With all my love and big hugs to you all. Lynne xxxx

moonbeam4 profile image

Oh sweetheart, God bless. I hope the family are still around, here to talk if you need to. x x x

Mywildlove profile image

I’m so so sorry for the loss of your dad. I hope you find comfort in all the beautiful memories you have with him♥️

Gloriatoone profile image

I am so sad for you all. May he rest in a peace. 🙏🏻

So very sorry to hear about your very sad news, I know that you were there for him, for his struggle. Wishing you the well for the dark days ahead.


AmericanDemocrat profile image

You wrote this in a previous post:

“I love sitting beside him, chatting and then holding his hand while he snoozes.”

I hope you can fully understand how much this meant to your dear father. Many people face death alone, frightened and lonely as they deteriorate. But you were there. I can still remember holding the hand of both my mother and my father as they lay dying. Trust that you gave him the greatest gift possible… Your presence and your love. He was never alone. I realize that right now all you feel is pain and that no words anyone offers can really change that for you. But keep these replies from people because in a couple of months you will start to draw comfort from them. Hard days lie ahead. But you held your father’s hand. He knew he was loved by you and that is really all that matters. 😥❤️😥

CarpeDiem11 profile image
CarpeDiem11 in reply to AmericanDemocrat

This is such a well written post and echoes everything I would say, but since I can't say it any better, I will not try to improve on it.

I would just say I am very sorry to hear this and shocked also, so can only imagine what a terrible time this must be for your family. Keep each other close, as you have done so far and I hope that you at least get some explanation soon. All the very best to you all.⚘⚘

pigeonCl-HU profile image
pigeonCl-HU in reply to AmericanDemocrat

What a heartfelt and sincere reply. Anyone who has ever lost a loved one will identify with this.

Dear justdontgoogle, it is true, at the moment you are in the darkest place, words are useless, I can only say may God bless and sustain you in this time of sorrow.


in reply to AmericanDemocrat

Beautifully written MaryLynn. Theres nothing I can even say that hasnt been captured here in this messege.

All I can say is that I am sorry for your loss. It happened so suddenly and without answers. My heartfelt thoughts go out to you in these moments. May his memory once soon again show you his light still shines even in the darkest hours of your sorrows.

IPCN profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss. Sincere condolences to you and your family. Your poor dad, he went so quickly from the start of his illness! It’s awful how your whole world can change in the blink of an eye. It must have been heartbreaking but it was lovely that you were all with him. All my love, Pam xxx

My thoughts are with you and your family ay this sad time. ❤ xx

Supportinghubby profile image

I am so so sorry to see your message. I've been thinking of you & your lovely dad and hoping things would pick up. You obviously had a very special relationship - my thoughts are with you xx

Supportinghubby profile image

I'm so sorry for the loss of your granddad. You are obviously a very close family which will help you during this very sad time. Your grandad sounds like a lovely man, hold onto your lovely memories ❤

Millie2014 profile image

How devastating for you all. My heart goes out to you. X

Countrywalks profile image

Im so sorry for you please support your mum and be strong for her remember the happy times dont let whats happened destroy those memorys .xx

So sorry for your loss 😥

Countrywalks profile image

Im so sorry life is so cruel this is devastating i just cant imagine whats happened so suddenley he went down hill so fast its shocking . I lost my father when i was 33 .you never get over it just learn to live with it .remember the good times .this was a shocking cruel thing to happen im thinking of you and praying for you and your family xx

Caspiana profile image

My dear Caroline,

I am so sorry, this is the post I really hoped I would not see. I cannot ease your pain, but I know that you did everything possible for him and he knew it too. Please know you can come here anytime, we have all in some way or another suffered loss and you will always have a place here , comfort and listening ears.

May love be what you remember most. 🌹

Cas xx

I'm so sorry for your loss, try not to think of his end, but of those special times you spent together. Such a sad time.

AyrshireK profile image

I am so, so sorry for your loss. It is all the more tragic having come so suddenly and without an explained reason. I hope medics are going to be able to answer the 'Why?' for you all to at least explain all this.

My thoughts are very much with you all.

Katie xx

Countrywalks profile image
Countrywalks in reply to AyrshireK

Yes finding the reason this happened will help a lot not having any answers causes so much distress and anxiety it just adds to the pain of the loss in a way its the only way acceptance of this cruel sudden terrible thing happened .

alfredthegreat profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you. I hope that you can take comfort in the fact that you did everything that you possibly could and that you were there for him when he needed you and that must have been a great comfort to your dad. Thinking of you and your family. Alf

Millie09 profile image

My heart goes out to you and the family.

You will find comfort believe or not as time passes in the knowledge that you were there for him , I found this helped me when I lost my dear dad in 2012 .God bless you 🙏

P13jne profile image

I’m sorry to hear this, staying strong together as a family will help you get through all the pain and heartache. Sending hugs and will keep you all in my prayers. Jane x

Smyally profile image

So sorry for your loss 😢

We are so very, very sorry to hear this dreadful news. The last few weeks have been so difficult for your family.

You are all very much in our thoughts.


IPCN profile image

Your lovely Grandad will always live on through you and your memories. Take care xx

So very sad for you, please accept my sincere condolences. Jaycee

jazzjam profile image

I am so sorry to hear this. Please do try and take some comfort that he knew you were doing everything you could to help him and that he knew you were there with him, he was surrounded by love.

Beture47 profile image

So sorry to here your sad news

My deepest sympathy to you and your family


Ohh so sad and so sorry ☹️.

Hope that you can recover, a bit at least, soon.


KN1981 profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss

jojokarak profile image

Love and thoughts with you all, may he R.I.P 🙏😘

There are no words which will ease your pain, but I pray you find solace in wonderful memories, and knowledge in the fact that your Dad passed peacefully, knowing he was loved. x

Grank profile image

We are so very saddened by this news.

It is a great shock for you all.

Please know that your ‘being there’ would have brought great comfort. It is heartwarming that you all wanted to be there for him, and that it was made possible. Even with the best will intended it is not always the case.

It is important that you now all draw together and give each other comfort and practical support.

The time for questions will come, but you have many practical things to consider in the days ahead, so in the meantime perhaps you should just concentrate on being kind to yourselves. You will get through this.

davianne profile image

Oh Dear Lord, I am so sorry for your Dad's passing. I send my love & prayer's to you and your family at this sad time, but a small comforting thought is that he is in a better place without any suffering. Please take care,


So sorry to hear of his passing I will light a candle for him and his memory

Radnor profile image

No words will comfort you or your loving family at this time, I can still recall that feeling of numbness when My Dad was taken from us ,I was 25 The ups and downs of these past few weeks for you all trying to ensure your poor Dad got the help he needed. Before this he sounded like a very fit and active person, all the running he did was pretty amazing for anyone, let alone at 74. With this in mind perhaps you can eventually find comfort in the fact that his suffering is over. I know you wanted him to be here no matter what.This could have meant he had years of suffering ahead of him . With him being so active and full of life it could have devastated and destroyed him emotionally. Eventually all your happy memories will replace some of the deep sorrow, until then i hope you will all find a way through this, being there for each other. Love Hazelx

I am so very sad to read this...…If you need to call the helpline I am working today. Take care...

Peppy05 profile image

So sorry for your loss

Wass71 profile image

I'm truly sorry to hear this news, I know at this time words will not give you great comfort, but remembering you did all you could for your dear father, you advocated for him, found this forum and tried to find answers. You were there for him, and with him at the end. Please take comfort in these facts, you could have done no more. As someone else mentioned hopefully in the future the images of his suffering will be replaced by happy memories of your wonderful, fit, active and happy dad, and it will be these images that will stay with you and all your family.

My thoughts are with you.

E x

kyia profile image

I'm so sorry. It's never easy to lose someone you love but it's terrible when it comes out of the blue. Thinking of you and your family x

Julie8 profile image

So sorry

FrenchiesRule profile image

My heart breaks for you and your family. I will pray for all of you

Yuiop profile image

So sorry for your loss, lots of people here have been so close. Hugs


Felines profile image

I am so sorry to read of your sad news.You are in my prayers.xx

mncold profile image

Hi justdon'tgoogle,

I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your father.

Please know that we are thinking of you and your family.

Come back here if you need to.

Again deepest sympathy,


SufferOne profile image

I'm so sorry for your loss. Keeping you and your family in my prayer.

catrinamakes profile image

So very sorry for your loss

Sand123456 profile image

Hi sorry to hear of your loss, you did every thing you could do. It is going to be hard, try focus on the good memories, it will get a little easier as time goes by.

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