Hello. I'm posting again as someone trying to support my brother. I think I mentioned the shock diagnosis in A&E back end of March (when we thought he had an IBS issue) and subsequent drain and 5 days in hospital, discharged into the care of his GP. Well, since then, he's tried to see his GP for a chat about all of this, no joy. Meanwhile, he's had a follow up with gastro doc at another hospital, and he said, yes still fluid, double the spiro to 200mg a day and come back in 6 months. The fluid is gradually increasing though so he's been trying to see his GP the last 4 weeks. Never any appointments left by the time his call is answered. More than 30 in the queue as soon as phone lines open. I tried for him and receptionist went to speak to a doc and said tell your bro to present himself at A&E and say referred by GP. He did, got examined, xray, bloods done then they said, sorry, no one here qualified to do drain. Go home and ring yr gastro doctor's secretary and make an appt to see him instead at his hospital. That was Weds. He's tried to ring secretary but he's in a queue again of over 30, so he hung up, 'sod it' attutude has kicked in. Frankly I despair. Is this situation happening country wide or just in Worcestershire? It feels like he's been abandoned to just muddle along. I've found out loads of info for him, printed stuff from this excellent site (life saver this website and all you marvelous forum posters) sourced a list of dietary stuff for him. Helped him buy the right foods. At least he can eat a small amount unlike before when he had no room for food. Complan when all else fails. He has an appt end of Aug for dietician. I am frankly bewildered by this. Anyone else experiencing unable to see a GP?
Thanks if you're still reading! I needed to get it off my chest as much as anything! I can't thank you all enough for the lifeline and support you all give.