Cirrhosis of the liver !!!: Hi all... - British Liver Trust

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Cirrhosis of the liver !!!

Articmonkey profile image
22 Replies

Hi all & thanks for your amazing replies & advice....I was frightened to check my phone in case no one had replied or the responses were going to be giving me a hard time !!! I've decided I must give up alcohol forever & today will hopefully be my last drink ever, I'm just frightened of life without alcohol as I'm from a drinking family/friends/life style/area of UK ??? I'm going to discuss the situation with my wife only for now, I'm going to go to my first 6 monthly check up which I've been avoiding because of fear & the fact I haven't stop drinking....I'm just scared I can't do this but I'm going to give it my best shot !!! I've drank for the last 28 years but always worked hard, now I need to work hard at saving my own life !!! Thanks again everyone....Davie

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Articmonkey profile image
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22 Replies
alfredthegreat profile image

Good for you. Keep posting. You will always find support on here. We absolutely love good outcome stories too. Go for it! Alf

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to alfredthegreat

P.S. Life is great and I gave up drink for good about 5 years ago. Alf

You CAN do this! I didn't think I could do it either. I actually felt better after my decision to quit. Best of luck to you!

Brett11 profile image

Gosh! I was at the offie every bloody morning for my breakfast supply of vodka. I was a functioning alcoholic until it took over.

I’m addicted to every bloody thing! If I can live without booze and the rest so can you!

Every day without booze is the first day in your life!

AA did nothing for me but it’s great for others.

I had to do it drastically and move from London to Cairns. No alcoholic friends now. No pub living now.

It’s really difficult to give up when alcohol is embedded into your life but you can do it.

You will feel like crap for a while but every day it gets better and different things will come into your life to make you not need alcohol to live.

Gosh! I sound like a bloody preacher innit? 😂

Post a blog on here starting with day one. Hiccups can happen but hey ho, your human. Just start again with day one.



P.S, you will meet Bob and my lesbian hernia in time 😂

Kev12564 profile image
Kev12564 in reply to Brett11

Ha ha, I couldn’t imagine going to AA, but if it helps people quit, full credit to them.

I had to (unwillingly) see a councillor to get prescribed Campral, a drug that reduces the craving for booze. I knew in my case, councilling wouldn’t be useful (I knew I was alcohol dependent, wanted to quit forever and had researched the drugs to help) and I was so right. However, if I’d refused councilling, I’d get no Campral. The councillor had the bedside manner of a lawnmower, talk about in the wrong job. Anyway, once I’d ticked that box, I got my Campral to help me quit. I can’t say too much positive about councilling, but give it a go. It might help (with someone with empathy and people skills).

Especially when you have cirrhosis this will be the best decision that you will ever make. Right now, it does not sound like that is possible but believe in yourself and you can achieve more things than you realise.

Alcohol restricts what you can do with your life. To be free of it is liberating. My problem was that it took me a transplant to work it out.

Good luck and you are not alone.

Hi Davie,

It is great news that you have made a decision to give up alcohol.

However, If you are, or have ever been, alcohol dependent or an alcoholic, discuss this with your doctor. In these circumstances it is important to get medical help to give up drinking, as stopping suddenly can, in some cases, lead to severe withdrawal symptoms, including hallucinations and seizures. There are many sources of support and help they can give you or direct you to.

Wishing you loads of luck


Articmonkey profile image
Articmonkey in reply to

I am dependent on alcohol but I'm afraid to ask for help .. ...I'm embarrassed & ashamed ??? x

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to Articmonkey

There is no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed. You are not the first and you certainly won't be the last. You only have to read through the stories on here to see that. Your doctor is there to help you not to belittle you. Once you have asked for help you should get the help and support that you need. Keep posting on here, we will encourage and support you all the way. Alf

in reply to alfredthegreat


Freddy is right. As fred has said (ooh that rhymes) look at all of the posts on here from those of us who have been alcoholics or are struggling to stop drinking. It is not something you should be ashamed of embarrassed about, we all need help in our different ways.



Well done for wanting to quit alcohol, you must be so strong. You could see your Dr to make sure you are pacing yourself right. I have Nash caused by meds from my Dr but I do understand that alcoholism is an illness and people rightly so need help with it. Please take care Lynne

davianne profile image

Hi Davie, you must be strong, and say, I "WILL" stop drinking (no "hopefully" please) From my experience, the first couple of days where the worst, and after that it gets easier, 'cause you don't want to undo the good you've done. With me it was habit I found out, not addiction. Snoutie is right, it is liberating when you give it up. Try AA, if you think it will work, but I found it wasn't for me. and managed on my own and support from my family, and no one was judgemental, just supportive. I later discovered at my Hep Consultant appt, that he could tell from my bloods that I hadn't been boozing, and he encouraged me further ( not that I needed it) With cirrhosis, drink free is the only road to take, as all others lead to disaster. Keep up the booze free life and you and your family will benefit in shed- loads.


harrietsssss profile image
harrietsssss you can see we all are with ya!! I got told I may not last the year if I didn't give up ,,a big wake up call!! Havent had a drink been 15 months!!..It can be done.Talk to your doc, if you r honest I feel they appreciate it rather than hearing lies .They do want to help. Good luck and keep us updated ...

25v12 profile image

I read the 28 day alchol free challenge book , really good . I dread going out to pub people saying your never do it , but i have and 6 months on . The book help you going out . Situation being prepaird for a answer at a week moment . Good luck xx

Kev12564 profile image
Kev12564 in reply to 25v12

Interesting point. I went to a pub recently with old friends who know I’m off the booze and have no problem with that. The sober me had a chance to observe them in action. I noticed how boring they were - sat in a pub for hours, I took a walk and look around - and by far the biggest shock was how unfit they looked. I used to be bigger and fatter than any of them, but now I’m the slimmest by far.

And to the Indian restaurant later....I could eat loads and loads. The fit new me has a crazy metabolic rate which means I can pig out on food, put on 4kg and lose it within a week. That was never going to happen with alcohol inside me

Imagine how much extra nutrition I get now. I eat way way more now than when I was a drinker but don’t put on weight. When you drink, the alcohol in your body is a toxin which the body has to deal with first. The food that you’ve eaten literally has to sit and wait 🙁

Articmonkey profile image
Articmonkey in reply to Kev12564

Thank you x

Articmonkey profile image
Articmonkey in reply to 25v12

The 28 Day Alcohol Free Challenge by Andy Ramage & Ruari Fairbairns.....I've just bought it thankyou 🤞🤞🤞 X

25v12 profile image
25v12 in reply to Articmonkey

Enjoy your read x

Articmonkey profile image
Articmonkey in reply to 25v12

Thank you x

Articmonkey profile image
Articmonkey in reply to 25v12

Thank you x

mncold profile image

Hi Davie,

Good to hear you are going to your doctor appointment and going to tell your wife.

It can be hard to quit drinking when most of your family, friends, and life style is entangled with drinking. Hopefully, you will have some friends who will support you in not drinking.

Wishing you the best,


Articmonkey profile image
Articmonkey in reply to mncold

Thank you x

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