Just been for my second fibroscan after a years diagnosis. My score has gone from 21 to 8. Stage 4 to stage 2. I’m extatic, it means I’ll probably get to see my grandchildren grow up. My 21 year old son cried over the phone. As long as I keep the healthy lifestyle up and glucose under control, I should stay well. I had to keep checking with her if it was really true and she said it could be that last time I had inflammation because my liver was struggling. Can’t wait to tell hubby. I love my liver even more now.
Can’t wait any longer: Just been for my... - British Liver Trust
Can’t wait any longer

😂😂😃😃😃 x x x
Great news. So pleased for you. Get out and grab life and enjoy
Fabulous news....wishing you a wonderful long life. 💐
Great news. I’m really interested in how you managed this would love to try and do the same. As you say, it would be my greatest wish come true to see my grandkids grow up.
I don’t know what happened. She said I probably had inflammation on my first fibroscan and inflammation is from the liver struggling and the white cells then cause scarring by healing up the inflammation. So although I do have some scarring I think I caught the inflammation in time before it turned.
After that first scan my food intolerances became much more serious, so had to give up eating dairy, pork and many other foods. So naturally stopped feeding fat to the liver, which was the cause. Gave up alcohol completely and being a type 2 diabetic, gave up any kind of sugar, which stopped the glucose causing the liver to struggle. All I know is I don’t know why but I’m just so happy.
Just to point out although your earlier scan showed a kPa that would have put you into a Stage 4 / Cirrhosis - fibroscan is notoriously inaccurate when you do have inflammation present i.e. it gives a false high reading so you probably never had stage 4 liver disease just lots of inflammation going on.
Well done on all the steps to reduce inflammation - keep up the good work. Reducing inflammation reduces the likelihood of further liver damage and can reduce fibrosis.
All the best,
Well I’m so glad for you and hope that you continue to improve. Good luck.
It also should be mentioned that it has happened where cirrhotic livers up to even 75kpa have dropped to normal kpa scores even though the cirrhosis was still verified to be present on biopsy. This is not the likely scenario however, when fibroscans do err they tend to err on the highside more often than not. I do believe that Katie is right and that you were likely an F2 all along if your diagnosis was based as an F4 on the results of a fibroscan only. This is why I'm always preaching on that fibroscans should never on their own be used to diagnose anything. They should only be used in conjunction with the whole clinical picture. That being said has an ultrasound ever shown cirrhosis indication? Or was your diagnosis solely based on fibroscan?
Best wishes and I'm happy for you. This response was not to be negative in anyway but I just wanted you to know that though it's not likely in your scenario , that false negatives are also possible.
Fantastic news keep up the good work!
Hi, I had ultra sounds which showed large fatty liver and bloods raised but not as high as 4 years earlier, which they didn’t tell me about at the time. Then the fibroscan. But she recons the inflammation showed as more scirrosis basically I caught it from becoming more scirrotic just in time. Since then my bloods have been within normal ranges. About to have more bloods and ultra sound so we’ll see.
All the best. This does sound like fantastic news tho!