2nd Call to Transplant 02/02/19 - British Liver Trust

British Liver Trust

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2nd Call to Transplant 02/02/19

41 Replies

Well hello everyone, I thought I would just update you guys.

I had my second call for transplant this came in at 11.55 pm on Saturday night. I got to the Royal Free at 03.15 am Sunday. After all the tests were completed. I was met by a doctor who said he was sure this time was it.

He explained they were hoping to take me down at 8.00 am. I was both nervous and excited. Deliriously happy and scared all at the same time.

Everyone, I met really wanted this to happen for me this time.

Finally asked to gown up and put the designer bits on...

Around 6.30 the liver coordinator came to see me and told me I was going home again.

As I understand it although not 100% sure it had something to do with the 25 minutes they have to get the liver iced. There was a delay and the team decided, as I was so well, currently the two tumours are the main reason... they said they would not risk putting this liver in me as it had been compromised. I am once again sure it went to someone else. Which is great!

I think it also had something to do with my age as well (68).

So here I am back home again...

Still chirpy


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41 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Fingers crossed for the third time lucky call pearl. You want the best you can get and if the liver wasn't good enough then whilst you do have the ability to wait a bit longer it's best that you do so then get the good one when it comes.

Best wishes to you. Katie x

in reply to AyrshireK

Hi Katie, thank you for your reply. Yes , I will admit to passing a little tear when I left the hospital. The best part really was the realisation that they had not forgotten me. It had been around 8 weeks since the last call and I was just getting the pity potty out... LOL so it was great to nearly get there. I feel chirpy because I was almost there again. Jaycee

Yuiop profile image

Hi Jaycee,

My heart was palpitating with excitement for you when I was reading this.

Feb has just begun! Time yet to spend my wish!

I pray it all happens soon for you, I doubt age is anything to do with it, more like they will take no risks, and that's expected.

Glad your still chirpy, but your heart must be bleeding inside!

Sending enormous hugs to you, keep strong lovely woman.

Agnes xxx

in reply to Yuiop

I can see you understand me Agnes, all the same, have to stay chirpy.

I am ok because most of all I know they have not forgotten me.

So that makes me feel so so much better.

I just keep hoping and praying that it is not my age !

That I can make it before much longer. Thank you again Agnes.

Supportinghubby profile image

Glad you are so chirpy still, must have been disappointing. Hopefully third time lucky!

in reply to Supportinghubby

It is better to have tried and failed than have the pity potty out LOL. This I can do quite easily when the time starts to tick by. So it was just what I needed. Third time lucky maybe has mine name on it... Jayce

Millie09 profile image

Bless , third time ... 🤞🤞.it will happen when it's meant to be .

in reply to Millie09

Hi Millie 09 thank you for your reply so appreciated. Fingers all crossed. Thank you Jaycee

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to

Your most welcome. 😊

Abby14 profile image
Abby14 in reply to Millie09

Hi Mille

Peter_Plymouth profile image

I so feel for you as I have just had my 3rd rollercoaster of hope and then going home. I love your attitude and I know I’ll feel better tomorrow.

It’s wonderful to get the call even if it not viable in the end. You can be sure they are doing the best for you.

Lots of virtual hugs and keep that wonderful positive attitude xx


in reply to Peter_Plymouth

Will do Peter, you stay positive too. We will race to the finish line. Much speed on your journey xxx. At least after the call you have that knowledge that they have not forgotten about you that is a real heart lifter xx Jaycee

Coralsun profile image
Coralsun in reply to

I hope that it all comes right for you very soon. Thoughts are with you.


Coralsun profile image
Coralsun in reply to Peter_Plymouth

It must be tough going. I hope it happens soon. Best wishes


in reply to Coralsun

One step closer, all be it baby steps.

Thank you for your reply. Jaycee

Poobear69 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear thst this has happened again to you. My sympathy doesn’t help but I’m sure thst you know that we’re all “rooting for you”. I really don’t think thst your age is against you? When I wan transplanted 6 mo the ago there were two individuals in there early 70’s that had been transplanted. Remember you’re in our thoughts x

in reply to Poobear69

Thank you so much, I really appreciate your reply truly. I know there are lots of folks rooting for me, It is one of the things I truly love about this site. Ever since I found it and first posted. I still remember the feeling that I was drowning and had lost hope. Joining was awesome, so many positive replies I had and made to feel so welcome. It truly did save me. Since then I have many friends on this site who do all root for me... It is like having a huge family that you can actually tell anything to. You cannot always do that with your real family especially where the Cancer word is. So each and every reply means the world to me. Lovely to have your reply truly xxx

Poobear69 profile image
Poobear69 in reply to


in reply to

Such a great attitude you have JC- I love it. It seems many of us have had that false dawn and personally (like you) I was devastated when told at the 11th hour that it was a non-starter. But you just have to keep your fingers crossed. I will definitely also have my🤞for you.

When I raised the question of my age I was told it didn’t matter! Nevertheless let’s hope next time it is a 👍 to a successful TP.

Good luck JC!


It's a shame that the Royal Free doesn't as yet have a liver perfusion machine. This could have made all the difference.

Maybe that phone will ring again soon. (Now playing Led Zeppelin's, "Your Time Is Gonna Come".

in reply to

Yes, I thought the same Richard.

There was I thinking of a nice country song like “I will survive”. Gloria Gaynor! Lol. I know how much you love country!! Roll on third time lucky maybe.

in reply to

Ooo good song choice Richard!

in reply to

I bet it’s on vinyl


I really feel for you. Fingers crossed third time lucky. I'm not at transplant stage yet but when I am I hope I'm as positive as you. Take care Lynne

in reply to

Thank you, so much, but I am not always that positive lol sometimes I am looking high and low for the pity potty. 😂 lol. Lucky for me there is always someone to turn to on this site.

in reply to

Everyone is brilliant on this site. I'm lucky that I have a good support network who I truly appreciate and love but I do love everyone on here too and feel very fortunate to have found this site xxxx

in reply to

Oh dont you worry about that. It's ok to be human at least once in a while. 😉

That attitude will keep you going a whole lifetimes worth Jaycee 😊. Your time is going to come soon so just stay positive. Your inspiring us all with your outlook on life!

in reply to

That is funny I don’t think I could inspire anyone. Although I am pretty good with with reward schemes and my grandchildren... Seriously thank you so much for you words - as always, it means a lot. Jaycee

Beture47 profile image

Hi Black pearl I am 71 and had my transplant 3 year ago.

It's not age they won't transplant a Liver if it's not got every chance of working for you

Good luck next time xxxx

in reply to Beture47

Wow that is awesome, that has cheered me up too. But they have just this year lowered the threshold to 65 years.. Fingers crossed third time lucky for me.

Beture47 profile image
Beture47 in reply to

I met a woman at Kings last year aged 71 she had just had a second transplant first one lasted 16 years

She looked amazing

Don't worry about age it's mental attitude I was told there was little chance of a transplant, I just said I am going to get better. The answer back was right attitude. I was transplanted 4 days later. Amazing. Still can't believe my liver failed and in only 2 months of feeling unwell.

Good luck xx

in reply to Beture47

I meant to ask how you are feeling now Beture47?

Are you fit and well recovered? How long did it take you to feel like yourself again?

I really hope you are doing great. What is your favourite thing to do?

Have a great day.


Shashwoo profile image

3rd times the charm honey!!!

Onwards and upwards.

Thinking of you and sending positive vibes. xx

in reply to Shashwoo

Live in hope my friend Shaswoo, so kind of you to reply. As you rightly say onwards and upwards, chin held high. A smile on your face and love in your heart. Whilst having phone attached to my body at all times.

solybananas profile image

Hopefully 3rd time lucky, my wife is undergoing the 4 day tests at kings. She is one year older than you , & she is holding her own with lots of Albumin drip going in at the moment.

Keep your hopes up I'm sure it will happen.

I send your lovely wife lots of hugs and good wishes, I found one of the big things for us a little older is stay as fit and active as you can. I try to walk between 3-5 kilometres a day. But not if its raining LOL and never if its snowing !! I am at the Royal Free but based here in sunny Bournemouth. Tell your wife to be brave and we all have everything crossed for her. Stay in touch xxx Jaycee

Abby14 profile image

Good luck :)

in reply to Abby14

Thank you so much Abby14 so kind of you to write your wishes of luck. I hope your journey is going well?

I send loving hugs and best wishes to you. Jaycee.

Abby14 profile image
Abby14 in reply to

You are welcome :), I am not unwell enough yet to go on the transplant list! I hope not be for along time

in reply to Abby14

That is great news stay well, stay happy Abby xx

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