Well hello everyone, I thought I would just update you guys.
I had my second call for transplant this came in at 11.55 pm on Saturday night. I got to the Royal Free at 03.15 am Sunday. After all the tests were completed. I was met by a doctor who said he was sure this time was it.
He explained they were hoping to take me down at 8.00 am. I was both nervous and excited. Deliriously happy and scared all at the same time.
Everyone, I met really wanted this to happen for me this time.
Finally asked to gown up and put the designer bits on...
Around 6.30 the liver coordinator came to see me and told me I was going home again.
As I understand it although not 100% sure it had something to do with the 25 minutes they have to get the liver iced. There was a delay and the team decided, as I was so well, currently the two tumours are the main reason... they said they would not risk putting this liver in me as it had been compromised. I am once again sure it went to someone else. Which is great!
I think it also had something to do with my age as well (68).
So here I am back home again...
Still chirpy