I did not drink my entire life, but started having a glass of wine around age 55 on the weekends and now enjoy a couple of glasses of wine a day for the last several years and I am 67, but about to turn 68. I do have a pain every now and then in my upper quadrant just under my ribs. I had a Liver Function Panel drawn about two weeks ago and all was normal. Is this just anxiety?
Concerned after reading posts - British Liver Trust
Concerned after reading posts

Hi jeepdriver, you're probably fine, it sounds like sensible drinking, depending on how big the glasses are of course. Try two or three nights a week alcohol free to give your body and liver a break from it maybe? See your Dr if you're still worried though. X
Hi there. Sorry to hear you have been having pain and anxiety. Your drinking history certainly doesn't strike me as excessive or prolonged. I would however checkout any pain that is new to you with your GP just to rule out anything to be concerned about and to put your mind at ease I am about to clock up another year too and, although a nuisance, I think we do have to be a little bit more cautious with any changes in how we feel. See your doctor and try not to fret too much. Best wishes.
Hi jeepdriver,
I would say if you have pain call your doctor. It is better to let your doctor know what is going on and then they can decide if you need something more.
Best wishes,
Definitely mention your concerns with your doctor. But if you are reassuredmybest advice would be don’t look for trouble where there is none. This is a horrible disease, you can help make sure you never get it by keeping weight down, exercise regularly, reduce salt and alcohol. All very doable. Then forget about it and enjoy your life.
Yes, no worry please. Sounds like u just inflamed your liver, & inflammation can be reversed. Just stop drinking, eating healthy, get enough water and sleep, give your liver time to heal and u will be back to before.
In the morning, with empty stomach, squeeze 1/4 of lemon in warm water (don’t throw away that lemon piece, put in that glass of warm water too) then drink, detoxing, that’s what u need.
In the meanwhile, ask doc for scan,
X-ray, whatever it takes (don’t let them rush u off)
Hope all as well,
I understand your response is in good faith but you are not in a position to be telling this person their liver is inflammed and further how to remedy it. The regulations of this site make it clear to not do that. Also you cant have normal LFTs and an inflammed liver.
Hey Jeepdriver. If you do have worries than as others here have said please push your doctor to look a bit further. Sometimes that pain can come from other organs in the area as well. Maybe see if they can book you an ultrasound to get a look at what's going on in the abdominal area. If your LFTs are normal than you cannot have inflammation. Though those tests can be normal in people who have liver damage they would not be normal in a person who has liver inflammation. I would seriously doubt that youd have liver damage from alcohol given the amount you drink but stranger things have happened. Could be something totally unrelated to alcohol. There are about 126 different form of liver ailments. But again it could not even be the liver. If it were me I'd just simply say "hey doc I know my LFTs are normal but I am experiencing some pain or discomfort in that area. Can you please order me some tests to make sure everything is ok". You have that right. Any pain that's constant deserves explanation. We cant give medical advice on this site. Keep at the doctors