Hi Everyone, I hope all is well!
While searching Google about cirrhosis I stumbled upon these boards and have been reading ever since. I've signed up because I just was wondering if anyone has experienced a similar situation as mine.
On October 31st my father was brought the the ER. After multiple tests, it was determined that he had cirrhosis due to alcohol. After a couple week stay, he was stable and they released him. They continuously assured us that he was not yet at the point of requiring a transplant.
After being home for about a week, he was having issues with breathing because his ascites was pushing up into his lungs. Besides this, everything appeared fine. We took him back to the ER and they proceeded to complete a tap on him. Basically since then, he has declined rapidly. His creatinine levels are in the 300s now, and he is no longer responding to Albumin 25.
Tonight he was placed in the ICU from the ER, and he is intubated and on dialysis.
I guess my question is - how did he go from walking out of the hospital the first time, to literally being about to pass within the period of a month? Has this happened to anyone else before? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I guess I just really need someone to talk to. Thank you.