Cirrhosis - tiredness: Hi. I was told I... - British Liver Trust

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Cirrhosis - tiredness

9 Replies

Hi. I was told I have cirrhosis at the start of the year, not caused by alcohol. I get tired so much of the time - any ideas how to overcome this?

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9 Replies

From experience the tiredness can be combated with lots of physical activity. ( which seems counter intuitive) a healthy diet and proper and consistent bed time and wake up schedules. The physical activity will be more tiring at first. But I promise If you can get through the first few weeks of it as a habit you will certainly see the reward. Keep in mind the mental fatigue of stress surrounding this will tire you out too. One step at a time my friend. Really would be of help to see a dietitian that specializes in hepatic diseases

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Thank you!

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Very welcome

Hi LiverLetLive,

Cirrhosis is bad news, have they told you the cause? You must discuss with your Consultant Gastroenterologist and mention all symptoms, side affects. Good diet, vitamins B, low sodium and no alcohol. Good luck and I hope that you progress. If it is end stage are you aware of the treatment?

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They have said its end stage but they seem vague about treatment.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

Have they identified what has caused your liver to become damaged? Sometimes progression can be slowed or even reversed if they identify the cause and you can do something about it. You can't actually treat cirrhosis only the symptoms it brings about BUT if they can identify the cause then that can perhaps be treated medically or by making changes to lifestyle, diet etc.

As regards fatigue, exercise does seem to help (a bit) as well as listening to your body and resting when needed. Diet might help but often fatigue (both mental and physical) is just part of having a poorly liver - your liver does 500 different jobs including energy storage and release.


in reply to AyrshireK

My Consultant said I am unlucky. Never drunk, a little overweight. Had fatty liver that has got worse.

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I would speak with your consultant but end stage is what it says on the tin. I was diagnosed end stage, which was managed but the cure was transplant for me. Ask them was your MELD score is (google that one but otherwise avoid the web). I hope that you are an O blood. I am B, a long wait. Good luck and take the medical advise and ask plenty of questions. Your mind will be in a state of confusion due to the cirrhosis, encephalopathy!

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AyrshireK in reply to

More and more folks getting fatty liver disease - one of the fastest rising health concerns. My t-total, super fit and active hubby also has cirrhosis - his being caused by auto-immune liver disease.

If you haven't read it yet have a read at the British Liver Trust page on Non Alcohol Related Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) - even though it has progressed to cirrhosis there are still possible steps you can take to slow down further deterioration or even reverse some of the damage.


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