It's over 6 months now since I had my transplant. I don't feel any pain from my abdominal area at all but the one thing that is making me really depressed to the point of screaming to the skies is the lethargy and tiredness. I can only walk about 2000- 3000 steps before I get absolutely breathless and tired. When I get home I have to have a couple of hours sleep. My blood tests have been O.K. and I've had a chest x-ray to check my lungs but they seem alright as well. There is a possibility that it might be pulmonary hypertension because I had a bit of a problem with that before the transplant but they said it was O.K. to go ahead with it. What with that and all of the focus on covid I've just about had enough. You can only take so much and I've nearly reached my limit. I' m also beginning to drive my wife round the bend. I just feel that I'd like to be left in my own to walk the countryside without a care but that's not to be so I'm stuck here watching endless repeats on the tele. I sometimes wish that I could just go to sleep and not wake up. The land of dreams seems a lot better than the shitty world I seem to be living in. Sorry to be so depressing but that's the way it is.
Tiredness continues.: It's over 6 months... - British Liver Trust
Tiredness continues.

Everyone heals at a different rate, I struggled with the walking and breathlessness for the first 6 months, slowly building up the distance. But the Tacrolimus can affect your muscles, so keep your Consultant informed.
I don’t think that the psychological effects are fully understood. You can’t fault the medical care. Maybe have a word with the transplant coordinators?
I arranged to see a psychologist, who was a great help. I am sure that Covid didn’t help things for you.
Hopefully everything will improve for you and I wish you the best.
Hi sounds like anxiety and depression and often you want to sleep when you have this to forget. My husband had a transplant a year ago and I do believe his positive attitude really helped him recover. He says to people I have been given a second chance of life and is so grateful and tries to make the most of life. Gentle exercise is good for the mind and the body.
I would ask your transplant team to refer you to talk to someone to help you through this or might change meds to prevent the tiredness. I do hope you start feeling better soon take care.
Hi, I'm 3 years post transplant and have very little energy, I can do about 20 minutes activity mostly housework before collapsing, not just feel a bit tired but not being able to stand. Having talked to doctors and many other transplant recipients I know this can be very common. I save my energy for the important things.
please take it slowly 6 months is still very early days, it takes at least a year to recover physically, please contact your coordinators and talk to them they really have heard it all before and are brilliant.
one day at a time
You have got some fantastic replies from fellow transplant patients here, thank you members.
Please do consider reaching out to your transplant team for some support at this time....Can you call them today?
You are not alone. Keep us all posted.

Thank you all for your comments but I still feel pretty glum.I'm up the the QE in early October and I've got another chest X-ray tomorrow but when they did my last one in Brum it was O.K. I' ve not had a good day today and I've been very breathless after only a short walk. I'll contact my doctor tomorrow to see if she's got any further with booking an appointment to see a cardiologist. Thank you especially Hilary, your reply matched my symptoms exactly.