Hello all... I am new to this whole liver issue. Roughly 10 years ago my ALT and AST were slightly elevated so we began keeping check on it and had an ultrasound. The size increased from 15 to 20 (cm? maybe) in like 4 years. Due to insurance change I got a new GP and she never seemed to concerned so I became very lax and unconcerned. I began having pain in the upper part of my stomach sporadically. Never consistent. She didn't seem concerned and said my ALT and AST was OK. I took it upon myself to sign up for a NASH clinical trial. They did a FibroScan and a biopsy. Biopsy was done Sept. 5 and I have been in pain ever since. Trip to E.R. on the 9th of Sept. it was so bad. The Dr. at the trial said it might be my back (I have 7 herniated disc in my back) so I see the back doctor. She ordered back MRI, said it's not coming from my back, and put me on Gabapentin. Some relief but not much. GP doubled my Gabapentin to 600 MG. 3 times a day. Back and GP Dr's. both suggested a celiac plexus nerve block which was scheduled for this Monday. I have been dealing with this pain for 6 weeks. The pain is mostly when sitting up so I haven't drove since biopsy. I have to lay my seat back unless I am doped up (Gabapentin makes me sleepy) when my husband drives. Sorry this is so long but wanted to give you guys a bit of background. Just got my results yesterday from the biopsy. My big concern was the ballooning score. Should I be concerned about these results? Thanks in advance for your input.
Steatosis - 1 Ballooning - Grade 2 NASH CRN staging - 1A
Portal Inflammation - Grade 2 FibroScan Cap (db/m) 324 - E(kpa) 10