Hi all. I have today had an ultrasound scan which shows a cluster of gallstones. At random times I feel quite unwell with bloating,nausea,occasional vomiting and pain in my right side. I have a hospital appointment in October to follow up the ultra sound. Does anyone know how quicklybtratment is undertaken ?
Newly diagnosed with gallstones - British Liver Trust
Newly diagnosed with gallstones

Avoiding fats in foods will help you a lot. My dad cut a lot out untill his op. He also changed to no milk in tea

Thank you for that useful information.
I had been struggling with pain mainly in my back for probably about 12 months which I thought might be a problem with my gallbladder but didn't see my gp about it until it became unbearable. He admitted to hospital that day and after various blood tests and a scan I was told that I had dozens of gallstones but they couldn't remove the gallbladder for about 6 weeks to allow the inflammation to go down. Unfortunately I was moving to cyprus in 7 weeks! In week 5 I couldn't move for the pain and was taken into hospital with pancreatitis. I finally got my surgery a week later and was allowed home on the Friday and flew to cyprus the following Wednesday. It was a complete nightmare as our belongings were sitting in a container at the port and they were ringing me asking where we were whilst I was in hospital.