Hi I’m new to this site so a hello to everybody I’ve liver disease throu contracting hep c and drinking ,I’m 49 and had 2 bleeds upto now and just received yesterday an appointment at Birmingham In October for a consultation about a possible liver transplant.
New to site : Hi I’m new to this site so... - British Liver Trust
New to site

Hey, welcome to the group. You’ll find a lot of people on here that can offer support and hopefully answer any questions you might have.
Hi Ushers, Welcome. This place is a god send. Lots of support. It will be imperative that you stop or have stopped drinking completely. Alcohol will be the big no no when you are assessed. Start to eat healthily, cut down on your salt intake and hopefully things will start to improve. Let us know how things are going, and dont be afraid to join in.
Yeh thanks,since my first bleed five years ago after the initial oh shit I’m going to die,soon disappears ,I got stuck into as much research as possible,that night was my last glass ,I don’t have salt and I think the only way to monitor it ,is to scratch make everything from organic food if possible although expensive,I love cooking anyway which makes not buying processed food easier.
You will find everyone on this forum are very supportive and knowledgeable. How are you feeling today? Please take care Lynne x