Hi everyone just wanted to ask does everyone who has a liver transplant also get their gallbladder removed the surgeon told us that my husband has to have it removed at transplant. Thanks Donna x
Donna morris 68: Hi everyone just wanted... - British Liver Trust
Donna morris 68

As the gall bladder is physically attached to the liver, it will be discarded. As for having the one attached to the donor liver, the normal procedure is to have the common bile duct going directly from the liver into the gut. The absence of a gall bladder is not a problem and it removes any future problems associated with that organ.
Incidentally, when my diseased liver was examined post transplant, my gall bladder was discovered to have a cancer. My life was in fact saved twice in one operation.
Yes my sons was removed, we were told that liver transplant always means loss of gallbladder.
Yep mine went too. X 😁
Thankyou everyone for replying to me it has eased my mind thankyou again xx
Hubbies was removed as well. They said it's too complicated to put a new one in. He has a split liver transplant so currently has a bile tube out of his bellybutton. I had my gallbladder removed 10 yrs ago due to stones. The only problem I get is if i eat fatty foods It goes through my system very quickly!!
Hi I had a lot of pain with my gallbladder and had to have it removed a few years before my liver transplant. They didn't want me to have a big op so I had it removed by keyhole surgery out through my belly button. After it I had a hernia they fixed this by sewing the hole it came through during my liver transplant. It has since broke through again but I just push it back in. I receive no pain from it. I wish you well and a speedy recovery....