Quick catch up: Hi folks, I'm in... - British Liver Trust

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Quick catch up

Foxman555 profile image
β€’31 Replies

Hi folks, I'm in hospital having so many tests, I asked about bloods they have taken, and I've got to much of a thing I've never heard of, they never mentioned my liver πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, I thought it would be off the scales, does that sound right, so many bloody cannula in my arms, but feeling a lot better, my partner has left me, I understand to much to put up with, she might come round.

Speak to you soon people.

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Foxman555 profile image
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31 Replies

Hi Jeff,

it's great to hear from you. I'm glad your getting sorted, your in the right place. This has to be all about YOU right now. Try not to worry about your partner for the moment as this has to be about you getting better and taking hold of your life again. Baby steps my friend, Baby steps. I think you've been a bad place lately and now hopefully you can see some glimmer of hope and light to fight for.

Getting you health back must be your main priority so you be as selfish as you like and put number one first. Your partner I dare say knows where you are so she has her own set of choices to make. It takes two to tango and you can't make her mind up for her, so this to a certain extent is out of your control. What is in your control is getting better and making choices about what YOU want out of life. I wish I could help you Jeff, but sadly in the cold light of day only you can make these choices about your future and your life style. I don't mean to sound cold, but just trying to be realistic.

Get well soon, hang on in there and I'm sure things will sort themselves out.

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

Hi Richard yes you are so right, I've spent so many years putting other people first, no doubt there'll be a few people on here who post some sort of message about weakness, don't think that's me, and I will start from this day forward

Regards Jeff

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Foxman555

Hi jeff, trust me , i have been where you are now after hitting rock bottom in 2008, unfortunately for me cirrhosis had taken its hold.

Don't get me wrong i did relapse when i lost my best friend (my dad) whom i cared for with cancer. 2 yr binge i went on untill i became poorly in 2014.. after lots of counselling and CBT therapy four years on im still sober, single. Moved home due to mobility issues, have been to many many VIP concerts, two more down the line. 😁. .

No, i can't go abroad due to the fact i itch like mad in the sun and i cant walk so far without being in pain, but you know what.. i would not swap what i have now for all the money in the world. Alcohol no longer bothers me .in fact it makes me heave at the smell .🀒.

Take this opportunity and turn those dark skies blue again. If i can do it anyone can if they want it bad enough. Good on ya !! .


Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Millie09

Hi Millie, I came out of hospital was on antibiotics, had one pint and collapsed, it's scary losing control but I need help x

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Foxman555

Yes it is scary! So is being told you have 6 months left to live! .. you really need to let the hospital team find out what is wrong and take it one day at a time. My god i could not stand my gastroenterologist in 2008. He didnt like me and vice versa .

Oh the joys lol.. i was in hospital 6 weeks with liver failure. Ascites, yellow skin, bleeding etc.. never ever want to go through that again.

However hard it may be to you please please put everyone in the background and concentrate on you ! Or your no good to anyone. Sorry if i sound harsh but i really want you to get well x

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Millie09

Hi Millie, I do understand all the things you say, I had a severe bacterial kidney infection, I was told I could die at any time, they were trying loads of antibiotics on me, I was ill for around a year, had to learn to walk again, and now this, which i think is tougher, I have to break my bond with alcohol, without my partner I'm homeless, so I fall straight Into people I would like to avoid only because they are in desperate need, any other time I would quite willingly talk to them thanks Millie, for your support in tough times x

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to Foxman555

Oh im sorry to hear that Jeff. 😐. I can imagine how awful it must have been for you. Thank god you pulled yourself through.!!

I understand your situation more clearly now. The bond with alcohol is a tough one, as i know only too well .. you will get through it .. you have to . Keep trying..you will get there x anytime you need a chat just private message me. 😊x

BSA-3 profile image
BSA-3 in reply to Millie09

Nice one, Linda. πŸ˜πŸ‘

soooze50 profile image
soooze50 in reply to

well said Richard

Faithfull profile image
Faithfull in reply to

Your right I was being controlled about my health and kept leaving things health to suit them it was hell and I had to take and put me first for once.

Fastkat profile image

Why have you being admitted to hospital and under what circumstances? What are your symptoms?

This would be more useful information to post on this forum and people may be able to help if they have already been through it

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Fastkat

I keep collapsing, I can't do anything about my head just goes blank, I've had 1 pint in a pub today no other alcohol, just tea, it's beginning to frighten me, I don't want to stand up at the minute bashed my head on a concrete surface

in reply to Foxman555

Hi Jeff

Great to hear from you. Can't say anything more to you than has been said by everyone here today. Just get well soon, stay off the booze for good and enjoy a happy healthy life

Big hug

Laura x

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

Hi Laura I left the hospital too soon, just trying to see if they'll have me back, had one pint and fell straight on me head, it's pretty scary for me, my partner won't talk to me, and my children ?? Grown ups are 50 miles away. You take care sweet.

Hugs Jeff

in reply to Foxman555

Personally I don't think your partner helps your situation. If you're both trying to kick separate addictions, you will both be more successful apart. Look after YOU now the rest will fall into place and what is to be will be.


Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

She's not talking to me, apparently my addiction hurts more people, hmm am I missing the point all addictions are bad for you ?

in reply to Foxman555

Smoking ... yes.... alcohol ..... yes drugs .... yes and all those have an impact on the people closest to you

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

Seems like smoking is accepted, only because it's legal, it's probably the most addictive substance going, my partner has copd which will shorten her life, so will mine, I'm trying to meet half way and help both of us, she still sneaks one in, whereas I don't if I'm sticking to what we said xx

in reply to Foxman555

These things only become addictive if you let them. The more you have the more you want. As soon as it becomes the thing you do at a certain time of day it becomes a habit. As soon as that happens you find another space in your day for it. Then you find a reason for wanting it then it becomes a need and before you know what's happening you're addicted to it then its a massive battle to stop. It's about self control and stopping before it becomes a habit .....before it takes hold of your life.


Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

I know self control is not my strongest point, I've been on the phone to the hospital and I'm going back in, collapsing too many times x

in reply to Foxman555

Yes I think that's best. And don't try to come out too soon. Chill out and get well x

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

Thanks superlady speak to you soon xx

in reply to Foxman555

Make sure you do superman πŸ˜ƒx

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to

I'm staying till I find out why me and alcohol don't mix anymore, yes I probably know the answers, but to keep collapsing ain't right you take care xx

Garyvh profile image

I wonder if you have had a seizure? I had one trying to go cold turkey, was on day two or three of stopping alcohol. Not pleasant at all. Have you discussed staying in hospital for a medical detox? It worked wonders for me Im not sure what they were giving me but I havent really craved a drink since then (nearly 5 months now) from being an 'all day/every day drinker'.

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Garyvh

Hi yes I was in there, on antibiotics as well, what a prat leaving, it was only one nurse got on my nerves, but came out and had a pint and collapsed, it's got to be alcohol I'm pretty sure thanks mate

Smyally profile image

Hi Foxman555. I’m glad we’ve heard from you. Your doing the right thing by going back to hospital. I know it’s not very nice and you can’t always get along with everyone in there but stick it out because it’s the best way to get better. I think you are better off without your partner for now, so you can just concentrate on yourself. Get well soon and get back on track because you were doing so well.

Foxman555 profile image
Foxman555 in reply to Smyally

Thank you it means loads to me, hope your in a good place too x

Smyally profile image
Smyally in reply to Foxman555

Thanks for asking. Usual aches and pains but ticking along ok. Keep smiling πŸ˜€

Faithfull profile image

Yes I had that as well partnership messed up as well

Do what everyone has told to in here. Please don't leave hospital until you are well enough to do so. Take care Lynne

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