I just dont know... I have suffered with pain right under my rib cage for two years... I was a bad alcholic for... 5 years... i drank for 15... but normally for 10... and 5 I drank pretty much daily... (not five contectivley.... ) blood work had always been normal..last blood work was about a year ago... I quit drinking 2 months ago... and for whatever reason the pair. Has been worse... like when I drink it's not there... when I quit it's there frequently.... what's upppp
I just dont get it trying to be health... - British Liver Trust
I just dont get it trying to be healthy but the pain is worse

Oh and if anyone can give me advice to bring me back to healthy I would appreciate it thanks.
See your doctor maybe ?
I had a dull ache in my upper right abdomen that would come & go for many years when I was drinking. Had a flare in this during the early months of my recovery too, which scared the heck out of me.
I've read that so called "liver pain" occurs only when "Glisson's Capsule" is stretched from alcoholic fatty liver. I have a theory that as alcoholic fatty liver resolves, Glisson's Capsule may notice this (shrinkage) too, and may produce symptoms for a while during the early stages of recovery.
I recall my 90 day milestone as a turning point, but continued to have symptoms for another 3 months or so after that.
A lot of doctors feel "Maximum Medical Improvement" with alcohol recovery occurs at around 12 months, so hang in there, & hopefully this too shall pass.
Congratulations on your efforts for better health.
Well done on doing your utmost to turn your life around. Lynne
I drank for 10-12 yrs, alcoholically. Finally, I awoke from a coma in one of the most prestigious hospitals in the country, and was immediately diagnosed with end-stage liver cirrhosis. I was only 31yrs old. Doc gave me 2-3 months to live IF I stopped drinking. That was my breaking point, the bottom to end all bottoms. I didn't care if I was going to die soon, I just didn't want to die a drunk. I got sober with the help of a 12 step recovery program, and 8yrs later, I'm still alive, happy, and sober. I'm not out of the woods by a long stretch but just buying my time until my transplant dreams become reality.
I only share this with you to perhaps send out some hope into the universe for you. I do not know you but I do know that we share a common problem, alcoholism. And I would never wish liver cirrhosis on my worst enemy, of which I am happy to say I have none at the present time of this writing. Trudge on!
If you lifted heavy weights every day for 15 years, wrongly, you would end up with very bad back pain. If you then went to a physio for help and advice, you would be very lucky to have resolved all the pain within 2 months, despite doing all the exercises that the physio gave you. Initially, the pain might get worse as you try to fix the bad habits you have developed over this length of time.
Your liver is no different. You have been damaging it for a long time, it cannot recover completely in such a short time frame. They do say, you should expect things to get worse before they get better. Just don't give up. Keep trying to be healthy and your liver will thank you for it. This is not meant to be a lecture, but more a way of trying to explain why the pain may have increased initially. Good luck