Hello, I am new to the group so here goes.
My dad is 70 and has been diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver. he is alcohol dependent and has been for as long as i can remember. the consultant said if he carries on drinking at the same rate he had about 2 years to live, that was probably about 9 (ish) months ago. The consultant also said the damage was done so stopping drinking would not change the outcome.
i am not clinical in any way and only know what i have googled, which i know is not always the best!
my dad seems to have taken a dramatic decline and no one in the 'professional' world seems to want to help me and i don't know what to do.
He has dementia like symptoms which are getting worse with every passing day, he cant remember anything, is so confused. The doctor referred him to the memory clinic, however the consultant said that as his drinking is a major factor then he is convinced it is alcohol related dementia and does not need to see him. furious!
he does not take his medication as he forgets and only takes it if a physically hand them to him. he has COPD and constantly loses his inhalers, that bad that he had some delivered tea time yesterday and now they are no where to be seen! what do i do!!!!! I previously spoke to his GP about this, and all she said was to keep an eye on the problem as there is nothing they can do!
he is very jaundice, has swollen abdomen and feet. he has constant heartburn like symptoms, and is starting to bleed when he simply scratches himself.
he is about 6ft 2 and weighs around 7 1/2 stone. i have never seen someone so thin. i try and make him eat but is full from a small bite.
he has not been washed for months and is very dirty but i cant force him and he tells me he has been in the bath.
i had social services visit him, they advised carers going in would be beneficial, but he would have to pay for this and my dad simply refused, he said he has paid taxes all his life and no one is taking his pension! he does not understand it is to help him, he just thinks people want to steal his money. so along with 2 children and a full time job and try and work this the best i can and i am struggling and don't know what to do.
Do any of you have any experience of the above? can you give me any pointers?
Thank you