Discouraged liver/stomach issues - British Liver Trust

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Discouraged liver/stomach issues

Uncomfortablelady profile image

Hello to all, thank you for allowing me to join..I'm feeling discouraged and would like to see if any others have dealt with what I'm going through..a little over a year ago I started having pain and discomfort in my stomach..it's only on my right side and goes from under my rib down below my bellybutton.. If I slightly even try to push in that area it sends me in tears..So in March of 2017 my doctor ordered blood work for my liver functions, which came back as this ALT 40 normal range (0-31) Anion Gap 16 (8-16)

AST 26 normal range (0-32) Alk. Phos 67 (35-104)

I then was given another liver function work up on Jan. 31st..Those numbers are

ALT 225 (0-31 normal range) Anion Gap 17 (8-16)

AST 143 (0-32 normal range) Alk. Phos 117 (35-104)

Liver ultrasound on April 2017 says the findings are..fatty infiltration, Gallbladder is normal, Liver is echodense and increased in echogenicity.. Liver measures at 18cm

Liver ultrasound on February 2018 says the findings are..Fatty infiltration, Liver is enlarged to 24cm, Difficult to penetrate, Enlarged echodense, Compatible with diffuse hepatocellular disease..Please forgive this story I'm typing..My doctor doesn't seem worried. For the last 7 months my stomach looks as if I'm 8 months pregnant, but I've not gained weight anywhere else, accept my face (my chin and left check by my ear is puffy) when I laugh really hard (which I love doing) I instantly get light headed and my hands and fingers go numb for about 5 seconds..I have loose stools and it doesn't matter if I drink broth, jello, yogurt, crackers, I instantly bloat up and feel like I ate 5 Thanksgiving dinners..I just am hoping someone out there might know what I'm going through, and should I change doctors? I have a consultation on March 20th with a G.I. Specialist.. I'm so frustrated...

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4 Replies
Plsyndrome1 profile image

Do you drink alcohol?

Mercsclass320 profile image

I am by no means an expert, and don't understand medical terminology, but if your tummy is swollen,and you get full quickly its possible you have a lot fluid around the outside of your tummy that needs draining, its not a big thing to have it done, and you don't need to be sedated, the doctor will numb the site of the incision, its normally on your right side, and he will make a tiny hole and insert the drain tube and will attach this to a plastic bag for the fluid to go in, job done. It can take a long time to drain, maybe a couple of hours, but you will feel much better afterwards. Its surprising how much fluid comes out. ps. do you feel short of breath.

Lara86 profile image

Wow, you sound like me! My liver enzymes have been spiking on and off but not as high as yours. I also don't have the pain that you're having, but I do feel twinges in the same area.

My ultrasound report sounded alomost identical to yours, but they couldn't see my pancreas or other organs due to the size and condition of my liver. I too look 8 months pregnant and have been wearing maternity clothes. I have gained over 50 pounds and diet and exercise don't help at all. I'm waiting for approval for a CT scan.

My liver fibrosis is due to non alcoholic fatty liver. I only drink socially, but haven't had a drink since Dec. I don't have any viral hepatitis. They weren't even going to test me! I insisted due to my age, 54, and the fact that I was a nurse for many years.

I'm uncomfortable as well. The US didn't appear to show fluid but I don't know if anything will look different in the CT scan.

I will post my results after my CT scan and I'll also post if anything works to reduce my enlarged stomach area. So far diet and exercise have failed. Good luck to you and I hope you find relief soon.


Welcome to the forum where you will be able to get advice and support from others with experience of liver disease.

However, this is not a medical forum and none of the forum members are qualified to diagnose or give specific medical advice. This would be against the rules of the forum which are set out in detail in the guidelines. These can be read in the box at the side of the forum.

Other than giving general help and support in living with liver disease, nobody is able to assess the results of any tests.

We would suggest that you see your own doctor for an assessment of any symptoms that are concerning you. Only your GP or the doctor who requested your blood tests and scans will have possession of all of the facts, his medical history and current health.

Please make full use of The British Liver Trust website where you will find information which will help you to make sense of liver disease as well as the tests that are routinely performed when someone is suspected to have problems with their liver.

We hope you find the forum a supportive place to visit,

Best wishes,

Trust 1

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