So, I am NO expert, I am an expert in Statistics, but not medicine.
HPS ... 30-40% of people with Cirrhosis have HPS?
First thing, get your Oxygen checked - one of them finger SpO2 or SaO2 things. If normal, your reading is 96-100%. Below 94 is not good, mine is 88% resting, drops under 80 with any exercise (I have been put on 16 hours home o2 a day).
At 88% most advice is you are starving organs of oxygen. That cannot be good??
Me, diagnosed with Cirrhosis (never advised what level of damage), O2 levels under 88... Diagnosed with Haemochromatosis (Iron levels over 2,000), HPS, Cirrhosis ... yet I feel fine - no shortness of breath???
Has anyone got similar problems? Please advise and discuss ... something somewhere ain't right!
I am looking, we are looking for some trends here - F**k the docs, most have not any idea ... send me as much data as you can, and from a statistical perspective I will try and make sense of Cirrhosis and HPS.