I live in the US but am freaked out by recent results. I have high tryglic. and was put on Tricor for the last 6 years. My tryglic have come down. During that time, my ALT/AST has risen consistently to about 80's. I have an ultra sound 5 years ago - it was clean. I go yearly for my blood work and physical and this year, the liver enz were at 99 and 103. He was concerned and took me off my Tricor and had me retest 5 weeks later and get an ultrasound of liver. The results were a fatty liver. He told me to start eating better and exercising. The results came back last week from retest and my levels jumped to 130/145 in just 5 weeks. I will say that I have been very bad this year with heavy drinking especially day drinking on Saturdays and Sundays. My GP sent to me to a gastro specialist and he told me exactly what my GP told me and he wants to retest me in 90 days after I lose 10% of my weight, exercise and eat better. I'm scared to death that I have cirrhosis. I am cutting way back on the alcohol, no more day drinking but I do enjoy my few glasses of wine at night and the occasional bloody mary on a Sunday morning. I have no other symptoms that I have read about except for night sweats, but I have had those for over a year (peri menopausal), not sure if it's related. No other bodily symptoms. Would the scan have showed cirrhosis? Am I going to be ok?
High Liver Enzymes : I live in the US... - British Liver Trust
High Liver Enzymes

hi and welcome, none of us are doctors on this forum so we're not qualified to comment on test results. However-Tricor I understand is used to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides-it may be causing liver issues. If you have fatty liver then losing weight and exercise will help. What will help most is cutting right down on alcohol. May be worth going for another U/S and/or fibroscan if you're anxious. It's a bit premature to start getting over anxious about the prospects of cirrhosis especially as you're asymptomatic. Listen to the docs and get your nutrition right. best wishes K
I would have a total break from the alcohol and try and eat a healthy diet, lots of greens and beets and cranberry and grapefruit lots of water with lemon etc, try simply walking or stationary bike for ten fifteen mins every morning to start off exercise wise. I am no doctor but maybe if you can give your liver a total break and some rejuvenating nourishment you may escape any permanent serious damage. Good luck
Yes you should be concerned. You need to completely stop drinking. NOW.
If you can't, get some support. Those results are not normal and are indicative of ongoing liver damage. The liver has a huge ability to repair and regenerate but ONLY if whatever is inflaming it - alcohol/fat in your case - ends BEFORE cirrhosis is fully established.
Your doctors have given you very good advice and you need to take it seriously. You can't do this.........
""I'm scared to death that I have cirrhosis. I am cutting way back on the alcohol, no more day drinking but I do enjoy my few glasses of wine at night and the occasional bloody mary on a Sunday morning."
Sorry to be so direct but yours is not a confusing situation. You must get a grip immediately.
Very best wishes.
Very near the bone but absolutely spot on!