Fibroscan anyone know if a 6.5 score is good
Fibroscan: Fibroscan anyone know if a... - British Liver Trust

I think anything above 4 could be a concern but my score was a massive 75kpa and I'm still alive, working full time 3yrs later so I wouldn't worry. Your score is more than likely reversible, unlike mine.
6.5 kPa would indicate some fibrosis. The kPa readings reflect different levels of fibrous change dependent on the underlying liver condition - you have Auto-Immune Hepatitis I believe and the fibroscan score charts don't actually cover the auto-immune conditions however on the charts every condition shows F1fibrosis at a reading 6.5 kPa.
Well I’d be pleased with that score - I was shocked when mine was over 15 🙄
Sorry about this long response. I have had abnormally high ALT and GGTs for years, rest all blood tests normal. When I had mine first time the score was 7.4 and my consultant said anything below 12 is normal. Though I tried hard to have a discussion about the score and even took a print out of the chart she dismissed my concerns as being pedantic. I was even told literally to stop reading on the internet, Over the last 2 years I have had several blood tests, MRI, ultrasounds twice, mrcp, blood tests to exclude other conditions including genetic except a biopsy and what they found was an area of underperfused (reduced blood circulation) liver which they think is benign, I am searching for anyone else who has a similar finding. The consultant refused biopsy. My last fibroscan was 6.3 so the consultant discharged me despite my protests. My ALT and GGTs continue to be abnormal. I am otherwise non symptomatic, healthy and active and working full-time. I am only 40. When I asked whether it could be NASH they did not know and said only 30 percent plus fat on liver would show on ultrasound scan. My GP says we may never find out why. I don't drink, smoke etc and I am on the lower margin of BMI for my build. It's at the back of my mind all the time, maybe I am being pedantic, but taking ownership of one's condition and trying to educate myself is not being pedantic though I am labelled by the medics as so.
My fibroscan result was in the 70s. A year later I had to have a liver transplant 😔

Wow I hope you are doing ok
Yes other than some fatigue, doing great now thank you.

This is worrying for me. Did your health slowly go downhill?
My cirrhosis went from compensated to decompensated literally overnight. This happened 6 months from diagnosis and it went downhill from there really quickly. Having said that, everybody's different therefore the fact that my health deteriorated so quickly, doesn't mean the same will happen to you. I'd had way too much damage done and wasn't given any medication to suppress the HBV that caused the scarring until it changed to decompensated by which time the liver was too damaged to metabolise anything properly.