So I'm 29 years old I was 11stone 9 5ft5 I had a scan on my liver and was told I had fatty liver. My doctor referred me to see a consultant I got a appointment that week (July) for 25th September. Iv lost a stone lowered my cholesterol doing everything I can. They ring me a week before my appointment saying they have to cancel due to consultant won't be in that day and I have to wait for another appointment. I'm going out of my mind waiting again! I'm getting uncomfortable pains and I have zero energy! 🙁 Sorry for the rant I am going out of my mind I have been waiting long enough!
Hospital appointment got cancelled - British Liver Trust
Hospital appointment got cancelled

Hiya Kage,
It's very frustrating when that happens I know.
Well done on losing a stone that's excellent. You're young and a fatty liver isn't the end of the world, many are walking about with fatty livers and don't even know it so it's a bonus in a way that they found it.
I can totally understand your frustration and worry, I'm sure though if they were really concerned you would be in hospital, hold on to that, and I hope that you get to see a consultant very soon. If it starts to really bother you perhaps a call to your GP might help for some reassurance?
In the meantime you are doing fab
You are definitely not alone.
Best wishes,
Michelle x
Thank you for your reply. Yeah the only reason I was diagnosed is from having routine bloods done! So yeah I know I'm lucky to even know I have it! I'm going to get a gp appointment tomorrow for reassurance. I also had all my bloods done the other week for the appointment so will go to the gp see if anything changed
I just feel so alone not having anyone who understands to talk to
Kage x
Well I'm here and I definitely understand, I know my GP can pull up hospital tests as he was the one who told me my last US was normal. I'm not due to see the liver consultant until November so I'm very glad he did that for me as I have GAD.
Keep us posted and post if worried, nothing worse than worries rattling around your head! Especially when you won't find the answer there!
Take good care,
Michelle xx
How are you feeling? Perhaps you could phone your liver nurse to get appointment brought forward or get your go to fax something through. My liver nurse got my appointment brought forward from January to October 17th which is really good. Please take care. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

I rang them yesterday because it's been 2 weeks since they cancelled and I still don't have a appointment they said I will definitely get a appointment for October and they are sending me a letter asap so hopefully get that soon!