Hi everyone
I'm new to this forum and to be honest feeling anxious about my continued elevated LFT's. I've had a fibroscan, MRI, ultrasound on my liver and other parts and all okay. The specialist doesn't want to rush into a liver biopsy due to the fact that it is an invasive procedure. Over the past 10 months, my LFT's go up and down; at the moment they are ALP 152, GGT 240 and ALT 58. My GGT has been higher in the 300's. They have also dropped to GGT 70's, and ALP/ALT normal. It's all really confusing and worrying. Should I be worried? I also had my gallbladder remove about 5 years ago. I was also very sick over Christmas, not sure what it was but no-one else was - it was like a major dose of the flu. I have never been a big drinker and haven't had a drop for the past 10 months. What on earth is wrong with me?! I'm normally really healthy and fit. And hey, I really appreciate that there is this forum - thank you. Christine