Liver Tumors: Do you have any info on... - British Liver Trust

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Liver Tumors

Abby14 profile image
14 Replies

Do you have any info on Liver adomas? also I have been having problems with Anemia, My iron levels are low & so is folic acid! I have Iron infustions as I can"t tolrate oral iron! I do have heavy periods as I have POCS. Is the Anemia & low folic acid also to do with My adomas & bad liver diease?

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Abby14 profile image
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14 Replies
Porphyriamaniac profile image

Hi abby, i am sorry to read of your troubles. I dont know about the liver thing but iv a a suggestion as to maybe help your anaemia. I was severely anaemic through heavy periods for years, i had a mirena coil fitted for this and no more heavy bleeding and my iron levels have been great ever since. Also folic acid, good foods are anything leafy and green and citrus fruits such as oranges are full of it and cereals and bread usually have it in them too. Hope this helps in some way.

Best of luck

Stacie. X

Abby14 profile image
Abby14 in reply to Porphyriamaniac

Thanks :) I can"t have the coil, Coz the liver tumors I have are hormone realted, I have heard theses coils help with things like that,a friend uses one for the meopause. I never knew Oranges contained Foilc acid! I love oranges to :) Thanks for your help :)

kurtymac profile image

Anemia, low folic acid, is your B12 and magnesium low as-well? As these are all signs of an ailing liver. It could be heavy periods, but if it is all of the time and 3 weeks later after your cycle. I would point fingers more at the liver than periods. What are your liver labs looking like? Are you or were you on birth control? As that is a major cause for benign tumors such as adenomas. Have you been diagnosed with a type of liver disease or just the two tumors? Normally, the tumors have no effect on the liver's function and rarely cause symptoms.

Abby14 profile image
Abby14 in reply to kurtymac

I was on the pill for years as I have Polyscystic ovaries, they told me that the pill caused the adenomas. I have also been diagnosed with severe fatty liver diease, it is NASH, where the cells get inflamed! MY ALT has been slowly rising for nearly 2 years! I have not been told what My B12 or Magnesium levels are. I have iron Infustions & they bearly make a differnice! I am due blood tests in a few weeks So will ask about B12 & Magnesium levels are. Thanks for your help.

kurtymac profile image
kurtymac in reply to Abby14

I was on many medication to treat a spinal cord tumor and it almost shut my liver down. You have to love how these medications make so many sick, but doctors prescribe them like they are benign. I don't trust any doctors that prescribes unneeded medication anymore. Was the adenomas listed as a possible side effect on your prescription? NASH is not good and I would say is the cause for these symptoms, I believe it would be more contributed from NASH than periods. Did you have a fibroscan or biopsy recently to see what stage it is at? Hepatic Steatosis (fatty liver) can turn into NASH and even cirrhosis. Are you taking any steps to try to put it in check? I.E eating healthy, exercise, consuming lots of water and electrolytes. Especially with PCOS, you need to drink lots of water. Sometimes, individuals with PCOS, have a tendency to get liver cysts, tumors ect. What is your doctors treatment plan?

Abby14 profile image
Abby14 in reply to kurtymac

I have no treatment plan, I really think I need to get sorted! I have had no Liver Biospy or Firbrobscan! all I have is an Mri scan every year, sometimes it is over a year! I am eating healthy & have been losing weight. I was under a London hosptail but they discharged me i 2014! I can"t get any Drs to take me serisourly!I have bloods done every 3 months at gps They try their best. but I notice most of the blood results are highlighted in red! I am on Tramdol for pain, most of the time when I have eaten I am i awful pain & tummy is swollen! The London hosptail I went to was useless & did nothing for me! I have Pocs so losing weight is hard, I have had no proper diet advice! They wanted me to have a gastic band! I am not even overweight enough! They got really shrity when I said no! & I did look into it! & the DR was so rude I made a complaint! I am going to insinst I go back to London But I want to see a differnt Dr there! The Dr I have at my local hosptail is usless & very dismistive! Just tells me to lose weight! & everything will go back to normal! mY anxiry is off the scale! I am so worried!

toma123 profile image

I think they add folic acid to bread and cereals.

Abby14 profile image
Abby14 in reply to toma123

Thanks :)

kurtymac profile image

Many doctors are useless, go into medicine for the wrong reasons. That is why websites like or healthgrades are very important. Doctors need to be aware that their failure to be proactive or at the least show empathy towards their patients is going to reflect upon their reputation. I think fibroscan is a good way to go, normally biopsies aren't good if you have a mass. however, yours seem to have a positive identification and are benign. What is your egfr and creatitine looking like with the PCOS? I would start doing some research on better doctors and move on from the clowns you are seeing. A bunch of flags in your labs, isn't a good thing. NASH can and will turn into cirrhosis if it isn't put in check. Have seen a hepatologist, sometimes you just have to keep demanding it. It took me 5 heps to get my fibroscan, because they didn't believe me although my damn abdomen split!

Abby14 profile image

I have no idea what my egfr & creatinine are. I see a gastoentergoist not a hepatologist ,I know my ESR levels always seem raised, that is what I am told when I have to go to A&E with bad pain! last time that happened the A&E Dr said it was raised & could find no other reason for the pain other than a flare up of my Nash, he said I should be seen back at London hosptal, I asked my GP & he said wait & see what the Gasto Dr says, as my check up was due, I never got to ask him as he got me out the room as quick as poss! He is always saying I don"t need to be worried about my health!

kurtymac profile image

ESR increase occurs with inflammation, could be something auto-immune going on. Or inflammation caused by NASH as they said.

Abby14 profile image

Nothing much! They don"t seem that bothered! The Dr at A & E said the amount of pain I was in was caused he thought by a flare up of NASH! I have been tested for a Auto Immune diease, Glycogen Storage disorder, London hosptal said it was unlikely I had it! which I thought was strange thing to say! either I have or haven"t got it , I would have thought! My bloods are due on the 21st, I think I am gonna book a double appoitment with my GP to talk about all this! My ALT always seems to be raised to! GP said that it was a emymzane that should be contained in the cells & it was in my blood, & it shouldn"t be. I am always uncomfortable in my right hand side & it hurts to the touch, but is bearable! Then I will get periods of really bad pain, which GP explained was where my liver is enlarged & is stretching in the capsure, & of course my liver is covered in those tumors in both lobes! MY Gasto Dr will not have that He must think I am lying! I am so worried about all this! but I just can"t get Drs to listen Only my GP & he is limted in what he can do! They never explain scan results, I have to ask my GP! I just get told by Gasto drs secarty everything is ok! well no offence to her but I want to hear that from a DR!

kurtymac profile image

yes, ALT leaks out from injured or damaged cells. Remember some ALT is normal and healthy, as the old cells are replaced with new cells. Don't fret too much about the ALT if they aren't elevated or is slightly elevated. Keep doing what you are doing and stay persistent.

Abby14 profile image
Abby14 in reply to kurtymac

Thanks :) you have been very helpful.

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