Hi to all. I am 48 years old and live in Boston and as everyone else am suffering with liver cirrhosis as well as a enlarged spleen and low platelets. I really enjoy this site and truly appreciate everyone's stories and advice. I often feel alone and confused dealing with this disease. Anyway I was curious if anyone else feels the way I have been, I constantly experience a buzzing / ringing in the ears sort of discombobulated feeling in my head as well as a skin burning sensation all over. IT really is driving me crazy!? I have a meld score of 10 yet my liver test are within normal range- alt/AST. I was prescribed lactolous to help bowel movements but it really gives me alot of rumbling in my stomach and gas but it seems to make me feel a little better going to bathroom. But I just was wondering if anyone else feels this or is something going on that is being missed. I had ct which showed no tumors or bowel obstruction as well as my endoscopy showed esophagagitis and mild gastritis but no further condition related to cirrhosis as well as no acsitis(?) . sorry if I am babbling but I would sincerely appreciate your thoughts and kindness. It always seems to come in waves . I am wondering if I should be on rifaximin along with the lactolous. Sincerely thank you again.

Okay, all the stuff you mention in the first few sentences, is fairly normal for someone with cirrhosis.
The skin burning, may be peripheral neuropathy. Lactulose, whilst a laxative, is not usually prescribed to help bowel movements. It is usually given to hep withdraw ammonia from the system, because the liver no longer does this job. It ammonia toxicity is allowed to build up, it will usually lead to brain confusion called hepatic encephalopathy.
Gastritis is usually present in people who drink too much alcohol, even though it is not diagnosed. Alcohol strips the stomach lining. Usually a PPI like omeprazole is prescribed to deal with this.
Itching drove me crazy!!! Do you have a good doctor or medical place to go to? Do you know your Ammonia number? The lactulose is used to decrease your levels.
My Dr has prescribed fexofenadine for itching and it has really helped. Hope you can get something sorted soon. Take care xxxx

Thanks from r the itching medications n info! I bleed everywhere from scratching so much. I can't stop, plus being on blood thinners makes the bleeding worse, ugh
Please take care xxxx
Yes,yes & maybe , I have Cirrhosis due to hepatitis C the itching is the worse I use creams prescribed by a dermatologist and Atarax & a anti acid prescribed by my gastrointestinal physician. I take otc laxatives and along with a diet I follow which I got all the input from a dietitian. I have growths on the liver & tumor in the spleen and left kidney and ulcers . The skin burning I had was thought to be connected to kidney problems. So for me dieting is the most helpful in comfort along with the atarax an lorazepam to help with sleeping . Keep asking questions and researching . I ask my doctors questions all the time and I ask where they got the information and I study that.
Good luck
Dld 🤠
ty for your reply I truly appreciate everyone's stories and thoughts. dldtx I am very curious which type of foods do you eat? I have cut out basically all meat and try to eat fruit and vegetables as much as possible plus I eat greek yogurt with no to little fat and plus maintain a low sugar diet besides the fruit. I don'teat processed foods yet im still getting this friggin burning sensations and I am starting to go nuts. might I ask how they found your tumor in your spleen cause this is a concern for me cause I've had my gallbladder as well as appendix removed and the doc had said that he removed some polyps but that was about 4 years ago so I am concerned about that . Do you think a ct scan would've shown it if I did?? Cause you said yours is inside your spleen so how did they discover that if you don't mind? plus I just want you to know that I will keep you and everyone else in my prayers cause as I know this is a very ugly way to experience life our quality has been stripped from us. Anyway ty and truly hope the best for everyone.
Being from Texas you can understand that we eat meat , when they told me to stop I called "bs" and went home and slow cooked me a brisket long story short they where right, so in comes the dietitian, she said #1 stop getting all redneck with food and eating the whole thing at once ( meaning plate size ) #2 every thing I eat is geared to a set amount of calories she determined # 3 so I eat off like a babies plate & I am 6'4 240lbs #4 so there is very little sodium like the little packet you get at fast food place for your fries a day, no condiments like ketchup or such. #5 nothing from a can , some frozen stuff that meets the need for protein, # I learned I can tolerate small amounts of ground beef like meatloaf, taco. I eat chicken ,fish , salads, my favorite a baked potato, my normal daily breakfast is watermelon or a egg with turkey patty and a coke. Lunch is some sort of protein and salad the dinner I try to meet the calorie numbers for the day. Basically if I eat a lot of protein for any meal then no more protein for the day. I snack on grapes , toast , I watch not to snack on to much protein. Go see a dietitian for your calorie intake. Everything they found on me was with a ultrasound then followed up with a MRI , I have a upper GI yearly MRI scan every 6 months blood work as needed I guess it has gone from monthly to yearly and back an fourth. I see a pulmonary specialist for my breathing and a cardiologist for my heart yearly or as needed. I had my appendix out as a child my gallbladder removed about 8yrs ago gangrene had set in ( that hurt ) they found my hepatitis c while I was having knee replacements . So your in great health don't make it worse about worrying about what if. Continue to question why and educate yourself you will be fine.
Dld 🤠
I am from indiana diagnosed 5 yrs ago with cirrhosis and stomach varices at last endoscopy they found i have varices in my esophagus also and have enlarged spleen. I have itching problem but basically feel ok. I know it is scary feeling when something new pops up. I try to keep my diabetes under control which i have so far. Got a lot of help on this site reading about what others have gone through. It answers some of my questions. I am always learning something new. I try to take it one day at a time. I have not had any bleeds yet which is good. Good luck on your journey and god bless.