Hi guys just curious newbie. I'm 23 male. I've had some bloodwork done and my doc said my AFP level was high. She then said she suspects cancer/hepatitis and is sending me to do scans etc. Naturally this has frightened me a lot. I'm curios has anyone else had this? What else could it be? My liver was fine before i don't drink or anything no drugs.
Hello : Hi guys just curious newbie. I'm... - British Liver Trust
You do not have to drink or take drugs to have a liver problem.
There are many causes for liver issues. I know it its a worrying time but until your scans and tests have been done you will need to be patient .
Have you a date for your tests and what age group are you in?
I don't know what AFP is, but just to let you know, I have AIH which stands for Auto-immune hepatitis. I like you didn't do drugs or drink, but this form of hepatitis is caused by your immune system attacking the healthy liver. No-one knows why this happens and it can happen to anyone, so this is a possibility for one. It is manageable with medication, but really needs to be confirmed by biopsy if that is what they suspect. Generally they will send you for an ultrasound first to check out the texture of the liver. Of course there are viral types of hepatitis too, but since I know nothing about those, I'll let someone else take up the baton. I wish you the very best and just make sure you ask lots of questions. Such as what is AFP and why do they suspect hepatitis?
Good luck
I think they're just ruling everything out if I'm honest.
What is the level of the AFP? AFP stands for Alf-fetoprotein (nothing to do with the AIH mentioned above). It's a tumour marker blood test, so helps assess a cancer risk for either liver cancer or in men testicular cancer. There should be zero 0 in the blood but levels up to 10units are considered not diagnostic of anything. I had HCC liver cancer when my level was in the 40s.