hi, I drink Upton 3 bottles of gin a week! Is this problematic to future health problem,,,also my husband is alcoholic we basically live on sandwiches,advice appreciated.
Love gin : hi, I drink Upton 3 bottles... - British Liver Trust
Love gin

Dizzie01, I think you probably know the answer to this question already. Yes you are drinking at a problematic level and if you don't have liver issues yet you could well drink yourself to trouble some way down the line particularly if you fall into the unlucky group who have a predisposition to liver disease (some people seem to 'get away with it' whilst others who drink at a moderate level succomb to liver ill health - you are drinking way in excess of moderate).
Rather than enter into a big discussion with you on the various warning signs and symptoms I shall refer you to the British Liver Trust main site pages on :- looking after your liver, alcohol and the liver and cirrhosis (if it is within your power or desire to stop before it reaches this stage I strongly advise it).
I think you already know. Only you can make a change now before it is too late. People will always say 'it won't happen to me'. It does and it will some people on this forum are testament to that fact. Good luck with your journey what ever you choose to do. Xx
Yes it is. How long have you been drinking this amount? How old are you both? If you want the help and are serious you can get the help you need to stop. Does he want to stop? Liver disease doesn't show its symptoms right away and it is damaging as you drink and you may not feel the effects right away. I hope you can get help- for yourself and your loved ones.
Hi, seriously your not sure weather drinking that amount is goin to be a problem or not , n you live on sandwiches, I think you should have a think about what you've said ,I'm amazed that your Adkin when it's obvious you've got a problem n surly you know it will get worse n your health will just go down hill , your diet of drink n sandwiches says it all to me , you really need help so I suggest your g p or AA as a starting point , that's for you n your husband .good luck with your future .
Your current lifestyle could indeed cause future health problems.
Katie has kindly provided links to some of The British Liver Trust pages in her post above. We have a lot of useful information on our website.
However, it is very important if you do want to address your current situation, that you make an appointment with your GP and have an open and honest conversation about your alcohol intake and diet.
They can then advise a safe alcohol reduction programme and signpost you to the support services you need.
The British Liver Trust helpline is open Monday to Friday 10am-3pm on 0800 652 7330 if you would like to discuss anything further.
Best wishes
Hi a bottle of gin contains over 25 units and you're doing 3 per week so you're consuming approx 5 times the "safe" guidelines per week. Btw there are no safe levels! Start reigning it in now otherwise it'll probably end in tears-take it from me. Good luck
Yes you could ruin your liver.... It could suddenly be a. Problem. For your Own sake cut down. Or better still give up before you do irreversible damage. Cazer
Let me sugar coat this the best I can, mmm Hell Yes and I hope you don't smoke. It's never to late to get professional help in stopping the gin an juice, you will need a new diet to get off them sandwiches, good luck and go get professional help both of you.
I'm 3 weeks post transplant due to non alcoholic liver disease. Take my advice and stop before it's too late! No temporary pleasure gin can provide in the short term is worth the physical and emotional pain liver disease will put you and your loved ones through. I enjoyed a drink like most people before but after what I've been through, I now find even the idea of drinking simply repulsive.