I saw the transplant doctor. The encapsulated tumor is the size of a baseball, it can spontaneously burst any second of any day and I will bleed to death. I have had that happen twice already but somehow lived but this bleed out I could not survive. A transplant looks unlikely but it's possible the tumor could shrink small enough if they inject the tumor using chemo imbolization or either inject it with radiation. The conclusion is there is a chance because it shrinks I will live a bit longer and with a real stroke of luck the cancer size would be reduced then I could be put on the transplant list. On the island, there are 15 transplants done a year. Not very many because all donors have to come from these islands. We are too far away from anywhere for a liver to reach here other than our islands. Reality looks far more like I might live to see 65, that's December, I could easily die soon after that. I was not encouraged to attach to the hope of transplant. I am in shock but not surprised. It's clear to me the struggle I am living.
Encapsulated liver tumor 8cm the size ... - British Liver Trust
Encapsulated liver tumor 8cm the size of a baseball.

Your honesty and candid approach is heart warming and at the same time heart breaking. Even in times of great sadness, you share with this community. All who read your messages are touched in some way, please keep blogging xxx from New Zealand Soooze
Catfishjumpin i am very sad reading your post. I am rooting for you x
I also wondered if pdt is an option for you. Its not provided everywhere yet and Im no expert, but i know it is being delivered internally using lysasomes so it is safe - our pdt has to get through medical research for licensing - it is possible it wont need encapsulation because of its chemistry, but sadly isnt even in human trials yet (our lead oncologist is a urologist in the UK).
Keep doing what youre doing, you are amazing xxx
catfish. Sorry to hear this. Your a very strong woman and very much loved. Praying 🙏🏻 for you in the UK xx
Hello Hun,
Everything told is part of a prognosis based on research and doctors experiences - so far you have managed to defy many a prognosis told to you... You must not stick a date or time frame to what life you have left... Your attitude, determination and positivity will pull you through... Live each day to the full like it's your last - love, smile, enjoy in everything you do... Death is inevitable - We cannot control - but life and it's choices we can - you are already well informed and have a good idea where your Treatment is going and needs to go...
Keep positive Hun and we are all sending plenty of love and hugs your way...
Awe catfish it must be so hard for you, sending you loads of hugs, i admire your strength your strength to fight every bit and thats why there is some hope that what they do will work, you are a fighter. Thankyou so much for keeping us updated you are an inspiration to us all.:)..:X
Much love ✨✨✨✨✨ x
what can you do? just keep going. xxoxo💞
I'm sorry to hear that Catfish. We care about you, and you are in my thoughts. Lets us know if we can do anything to support you (((hugs)))
you are unflinching and give others so much strength because of your honesty and courage. I know it's such a hard thing to live through right now but don't forget we are all with you here, you're not alone in that deep place where understanding and empathy can reach out and connect. I'll keep you close in my heart xxx
You have defied the worst scenario the other month. We were all concerned then and then things got more optimistic.......lets all hang on to that....keep going and I think you will see more years ahead.......your mind is strong and that helps a lot....keep fighting and keep hopeful !
CF, it's your mental strength that I find inspirational, never give up the fight, where there's hope there is a way. Keep cycling, exercise is so thereputic and its keeping you strong. Sending you lots of hugs☘️xx
Sounds like the Y-90 radioembolization would work for you since the tumor is only in your liver. I wasn't a good candidate for the procedure because it was also in my bile duct, the radiation could damage my pancreas. If it hadn't been in my bile duct it would've been perfect for me. Currently undergoing chemo to shrink the tumor. My family and friends have been very supportive. I don't smoke or drink. I exercised regularly. I ate healthy foods. This cancer diagnosis really came as a surprise. I'm not giving up. My husband and children said that we're going to fight it together and we will !!