Hi everyone
I'm new to all this, and not really a big user of the internet, but reading some of your posts gave me hope.
My partner is quite a bit older than me and a heavy drinker. He has always drunk a lot and will easily drink 3/4 of a bottle of dark rum and still stand!
Over the last few months his health has deteriorated. He's always really tired (but does have a physical job) and never seems to feel 'well.' He regularly complains of stomach pains and has diahorrea most days. He doesn't vomit but does have an awful cough which seems to worsen the more he has drunk (to the extent I nearly called an ambulance the other night because he couldn't catch his breath and couldn't manage more than 3 or 4 normal breaths before another bout of coughing took over).
He has an awful temper and I have noticed, at times when he has had quite a bit to drink, what I can only describe as quite a major 'twitch' where he jerks his head/neck quite harshly. He has also had times when he has been driving and had to pull over because suddenly he doesn't actually know where he is (even though it is a regular journey). He had blood tests done about a year ago and these were normal. Could things change in such a short space of time?
Any help would be appreciated as we have 2 young children and I am starting to crumble with worrying about him.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.