Hi everyone would like to thank you all for your good advice and kind words, just to say went to kings college last Thursday for the educational course, at the end was told I am now listed for transplant, my emotions all over the place happy scared anxious basically perceived hoping once my mind settles down can relax more☺
Transplant : Hi everyone would like to... - British Liver Trust

I wish you all the very best of luck. I know how you feel. I hope you will soon get your transplant. Make sure you are ALWAYS available 24/7. When I had my liver transplant, I had a phone call on the Monday. I happened to be out shopping and forgot to take my mobile. When I got home, there was a message on the phone from the clinic. I rang straight away but it was too late. I thought that was my big chance gone just like that. As if being watched over by a guardian angel, there was another call the same week on the Thursday. Another compatible liver was available. UNBELIEVABLE !!!!! The whole process went without being one bit nervous. The OP took 8 hours the next morning and I was out of intensive care 2 days later ! This was nearly 8 years ago.
If that isn't better than 6 in the lottery, I don't know what is. Once again keep smiling and try not to let the "waiting" get you down emotionally. That can't be good for the system.
Hearty wishes
Louise P. xx
Thanks Louise the waiting is not a problem for me it's the film they showed all the tubes and so on but hey I've suffered so much to get this far fear is going to get out of my mind. Annette
I can understand you. But as you say, you have already suffered so much. Don't worry all will be OK. For me having the clips taken out was more frightening than the OP. There I got worked up for nothing. Plucking eyebrows hurts mir (ha, ha) I was clamped with about 70 staples instead of being stitched. Keep strong and all the best. xxxx
good post and good advice about always being ready and having the moblie phone with you. i hope your still feeling well louise, love grace xoxoxo
Like others have said. Make sure you're always available. Once I was on the list I felt a huge relief, dare I say it but it was almost exciting waiting for that call. I got called a month after being put on the list, the first time was a false alarm as the liver was poor quality. However I only waited 1 day before I got my next call and this time it all went ahead.
Good luck, although for the most part you've done your bit now. Just stay well!
Thanks I will do my best to remain as well as I feel now as have been very unwell my phone goes everywhere with me know. Annette
Excellent news. Welcome to the waiting game. I hope you have a very short time on the list. Jim
Thank you does it notmean what blood type you are how long you wait. Annette
Hi angle well done and good luck hope you don't have too long to wait.
Love Cheri. xxxxx

Thanks cheri. Annette
I will be thinking of you. I have not been on these pages much recently because of other things - HE related mainly, which has been getting me down. But I am so pleased to hear that you are on the list. Keep in touch.
Like you so fed up with HE haven't had an episode over 2months now sorry to hear you still going through it. Annette
Thanks Angse and good luck now that you are on the list! I saw my GP (a routine diabetic check) and she discussed the HE - she advised me that I should let the DVLA know. I hope I can still drive as I am aware of when a HE episode is on the horizon. I only drive on local roads and in daylight - but as I live alone and the family live miles away, and I have only occasional buses (none at all at weekends) I am going to re-think everything if they say 'no driving'. Do keep in touch! and Good luck.
Fantastic, I know how you feel. I had my transplant on March 8 2016 and feeling fantastic now. Going for long walks with my dog, fantastic appetite and got my normal weight back. One tip for you. Make sure you get good aftercare sorted before you get discharged and arrange a district nurse if possible. Although my treatment in hospital was absolutely 100% my aftercare with my GP was a disgrace, I felt that I was completely on my own.

Thanks for advice I live alone so I do need some kind of professional help my grandson who is 20 is going to stay with me for 3\4 weeks I really don't know what help to ask for so happy for you that all went well with transplant. Annette
Hi angse, great news and try not to worry too much , and I know it's easy to say, but you are not really aware of the tubes and stuff because of the sedation and when you start to become more aware the tubes are mostly out, and you are seen by social work who should help you with aftercare and stuff, 💜💚❤️
Hi angse, I know what you mean I'm exactly the same, I had a bad experience before with an endoscopy and it has left me with a fear of tubes down my throat, this caused me a lot of anxiety, but honestly the sedation is so good you barely remember anything , if you want any advice about the transplant procedure or anything please feel free to message me it's no bother I'm happy to help, take care of yourself 🙂
How are you now ?