Is it only me or does anyone else who's undergone the above wonder why it has to happen ? The woman who did the assessment was lovely( also part time paramedic) but I just don't see the point. I expected her to ask to see Terry doing or attempting to do certain tasks. All she basically did was ask the same questions that I had answered on the form. She actually had a copy of my form with her & the only difference was , was that she put her info onto a laptop. I'm sorry but all I can say is what a waste of taxpayers money. We're now told her report will go to DWP later today & we should get a decision in 6 to 8 weeks. Xx
Pips Assessment.: Is it only me or does... - British Liver Trust
Pips Assessment.

I think this is sometimes how they do it; with ESA they just input stuff onto a computer/ like a tick box thing or some rubbish; then ask you rubbish about holding your arms out in front of you. how long was she there for? I am surprised she did not at least ask about tasks; basically; if you say you can do one small thing eg you can walk ten yards; they will probably fail you; i know someone who has to try and reapply for PIP. It was beyond my comprehension how they did not get PIP. Its a nasty and unfair business/ cruel beyond words; good luck and if Terry does not pass; don't give up; appeal; but be prepared for an incredibly long wait; months if not year/s.
My assessment was terrible! It took 30 minutes and she looked at the computer more than she looked at me ! I know her report has gone to the DWP but I've still not had a decision 4 weeks later!
I was told 6 to 8 weeks.!
my autistic son had his recently......the same....just questions and laptop tapping.....took 8 weeks for a decision.....but then paperwork got lost...several times, payments made but no decision letter which is important.....and as he had been on dla was a handover period at the lower rate of dla he had been awarded for 4 weeks after higher award given.....
Yeah, I had a letter from them a few days prior to attending, saying that if I didn't attend, I wouldn't be considered. On the day, after much confusion (he) and difficulty I eventually got there. They said that as I made it there, I scored zero. They asked me if I could do my home financing work, the computer or if I could cook myself a meal, I replied most definitely NO and I couldn't even work the TV remote. They replied that they felt that I could do all of that, so more zeros.
The whole Pip experience left me feeling so small and degraded.
Thankfully the lady on the phone at the council got me a blue disabled pass for my car, she even filled out the form for me. That alone has saved me a lot in hospital parking fees.
Outrageous treatment Red1954; but sadly not surprising; at least you have a blue disabled pass; but it really is horrific how genuinely sick people are treated.
Please, please, please. Don't go into this with your eyes closed. This person may seem 'lovely' - indeed at home with friends and family she / he probably is - but these people are NOT your friends. Their remit is to get you off benefits and out to work regardless of how ill you are. Go in prepared. Do not say "Oh I'm OK". You're not. Go in as if it is your worst day + 1. None of these people are qualified to assess your illness (I immediately challenged the Assessor on behalf of my wife; it was not appreciated and made for an uncomfortable 40 minutes but I'm glad I did as it put him on the back foot). They are usually Paramedics and not qualified Doctors with knowledge of your illness. Sorry to say this but you MUST play them at their own game; Be as ill as you can be. My wife came off the drug that stops her having fits and, under the stress and upset of the assessment, had a fit as a consequence. It's not what you should do, but at least the assessor saw what my wife Is like most of her life. Of course they input into a computer, as the Assessor confirmed to me when I asked him to qualify if he was fit to assess my wife's illness "I am qualified to answer the questions on the computer". I replied "So the answer is NO then!"
I totally agree with you Peej. Bloody horrific it all is.