I've been getting aches on my mid right side of my back by my liver after dealing with some anxiety issuse at work and drinking a pretty good amount for a month straight... I usually don't drink more then 5 times in a 2 week period, Does this mean I could have cirrhosis?
Liver concerns: I've been getting aches... - British Liver Trust
Liver concerns

Any information would mean a lot
Normally any ache is felt under the ribs if at all. Not in the back. A month of drinking won't cause cirrhosis.
If it's concerning you you need to go to the GP.
Ya I know, I've never drank like that before , and ain't gonna resolve to that again, thanks again
Hi Peteŷ, you might have strained or pulled a muscle. If you sleep on your side, use a firm bolster at your back to support you. Problems at work will also be giving you some stress, possibly not allowing you to relax while sleeping, as you would normally. A visit to an osteopath might help if pain doesn't go in a couple of days.
Thank you that helps... I just don't get why it was located on my spine and to the right of my spine where my liver is... Sometimes it was just a ache that lasted a second or 2
Ah yes understand, aches and pains are different sensations. If it's on your back could possibly be in a kidney. May I suggest you google to see a diagram of the bodŷ, both in flesh form and skeletal, it may also give you an indication. I also find Wikipedia very useful for health or bodŷ Questions/issues.
I'm not medically qualified, just someone who's had a lot of health issues to deal with in last 3.5 years with no reliable source of info, as not now living in UK. If you are concerned at the amount you drank recently keep some bottled water at work and have frequent drinks from it on a daily basis. Drinking water helps flush the body out, especially if a few toxins collecting there from whatever source, alcohol for a short while, then perhaps painkillers recently to help with the pain. Don't miss out on eating either, easy to do if a workaholic
I've been there done that also - but before I retired .
Sounds to me like a dose if mild alcoholic hepatitis which should resolve itself with a few weeks off the sauce...I doubt very much if its cirrhosis but book full liver panel blood tests in a few weeks time for peace of mind