I’ve had a liver dissection 9 weeks ago, had a large cyst removed from my liver, which was not cancerous, and had my gallbladder removed too. I was in hospital for six days, all went well.
When I first went for my consultancy the surgeon told me, recovery would be four or five weeks, (yea right) then the specialist nurse said 7 to 8 weeks and various website say 10-12 weeks etc. one doctor in hospital said take in easy for 6 months!
I’ve gone back to work, I only work part-time in an office so it not strenuous and friends and family keep trying to reassure me, that I’ve had a big operation with a larger incision but I must admit I felt a bit neglected by the consultant, my post-op took about 10 minutes, he quickly looked at my wound, which he said was healing nicely and he said all was good and I’m to have a CT scan in one year’s times. At the time I thought great, no more hospital for me.
Well If any one would be so kind as to give me a bit of feedback, from someone that actual had the same op as me I would be grateful and if anyone could tell me whether I should still be feeling pain at this stage. I stopped taking any painkillers at about the second / third week, I know its difficult to remember when your well, how you felt and when you felt better but if I describe how I’m feeling perhaps it might jog someone’s memory.
Wearing a bra is a nightmare, even though I’ve extended the back by a couple of inches and they’re not tight, it feels really tender and it’s not where the scar is, if I breath in it feels like I have a solid mass inside ( I have joked it feels like they’ve replace my liver with a wooden one) I’ve had back pain, which could be muscular due to holding myself different but also a dull ache at the bottom of the scar, below, sort of hip area. I feel better in the morning, as the day wear on it gets a bit worse but its like my middle is tight like I have a band of elastic around it and I get these twinges every now and then if I move quickly or bend, I can’t vacuum or even pushing the shopping trolley can hurt and I don’t know when I’ll be able to mow the lawn. (lucky I’ve got my lovely husband to help).
On all the websites they keep saying everyone is different and some take longer than other to recovery but as a fairly fit middle age woman, I thought I’d be quicker. I thought it would get a bit better every week but I seem to be stuck and I’m sure some days I feel worse than when I came out of hospital. I don’t want to sound like a wimp but I have no gauge to go on and I’m starting to worry that somethings wrong.