MRI result: Got my MRI result today and... - British Liver Trust

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MRI result

Brummi profile image
23 Replies

Got my MRI result today and they were not good. I have blocked bile ducts again. A meeting will take place to see how they will be delt with operations and stents seem to be out of the question. At this moment in time another transplant seems to be a step nearer. Looking at it another way at least the liver I have has not been rejected ,

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Brummi profile image
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23 Replies
mclachlang profile image

Aw Brummi that sucks . Perhaps they can treat with medication ? Hope you don't have to go down transplant route again but if you do you're not on your own. Let us know how you're getting on. Gill xx

Brummi profile image
Brummi in reply to mclachlang

Hi, Basically got told medication will not work. But hey! done the TX once and I can do it again. But they may do an angiogram just to see how bad things are, but feels good to have friends like the people on here around.

GrittyReads profile image

So sorry Brummi,

As Mclachlang says , keep us all up-to-date.

And ... please keep on with your words of wisdom and experience on here, you help so many.


Brummi profile image
Brummi in reply to GrittyReads

Thanks for your support. The news did not knock me back in fact it makes me more determined to get over it all. One good point it is not caused by rejection. Maybe a solution can be found but let's not get down over it..

scotty40 profile image

Sorry to hear that Brummi,keep on keeping on and shine on you crazy diamond. 👌

Brummi profile image
Brummi in reply to scotty40

Hi, Thank you for your support. To be honest I do not feel down about it , I feel just as positive as before. Just awaiting to see what the next move is, although it is another step closer to a 2nd TX.

pear-shaped profile image
pear-shaped in reply to Brummi

thinking of you...


Brummi profile image
Brummi in reply to pear-shaped

Thank you pear-shape. To be honest I don't feel down about it, I feel the same now as I did days ago. I will get over it I still have a few numbers in my little black book to ring The consultants have yet to make a decision as to the next move yet but it looks more likely a 2nd TX. I practice what I preach and stay positive..

pear-shaped profile image

You really are an amazing person... True to your word!

I do hope that your positive thinking rings through my husbands ears as we have had a similar prognosis today...

What a predicament!


lola800 profile image
lola800 in reply to pear-shaped

Thinking of you and your husband. Keep us posted on how things go.

Brummi profile image

If you read some of my earlier post I stated that the surgeon who transplanted me branded my liver with his initials, I am now beginning to suspect this may be the cause of my problem. Once I know what the future holds I shall inform you all.... Regards to you and your husband

lola800 profile image

Sorry, to hear that, Brummi. Are you ready/able to go thru another transplant? I'm glad you have the positive outlook you have. Let us know the next step for you.

AyrshireK profile image

Good luck to you Brummi, hope if they do list you again your wait isn't a long one. Makes sense now that they don't rush people into transplant when these predicaments can rear their head after the op.

Best wishes to you, keep smiling :)

Katie xx

Brummi profile image
Brummi in reply to AyrshireK

Hi, Thank you for your support. It now depends on the outcome of a meeting amongst the consultants as to what happens next. I have already told them if I need one go ahead. I do not feel any different today as I did last week, one good point is the problem is not caused by rejection. As for the smiling I never stop and never will. Thanks again....take care your self.. xx

PCBnPBC profile image

Brummi, I remember talking with you before I had my TX, am I right in remembering your was a couple of years ago or more? I had mine in November 14, like many have had bile duct issues, 2 stents so far, still with 2 blood readings way high, which suggest bile not flowing as well as it could be, was on the flip of a coin 5 days post TX for a retransplant there and then (I was that groggy I was not even properly concerned)

Sorry to her of your plight, just love your practical approach, which we both know is worth a huge ammount, if you end up with TX#2 you will walk it, you have a strong attitude, and that counts for so much, not that I would be so enthuiastic it it were me!

I hope the graffeti is nothing to do with your issue, don't know why I say that, just in love with all the surgeons, medics and staff who helped me, struggle to imagine any of then wanting to do harm.... anyway, please keep in touch, I say this for selfish reasons, fearful (well have a small concern) that I could be on a similar path, if I were to end up on the same road as you, I hope I have the strength of mind to be as strong as you, in fact I have just decided to use you as someone to look up to in case I need it! as if you need it, good luck Brummie! onwards and upwards! and stay happy on this the international day of happiness.


Brummi profile image
Brummi in reply to PCBnPBC

Thank you for your message of support. Even in my darkest hour I was still making jokes but that is me and I will never change.. Even after what the surgeon done I still never sued him. I practice what I preach and by staying positive I will see this through, the decision Togo through another TX has already been made. Again thank you for your support..

Brummi profile image
Brummi in reply to PCBnPBC

Hi again, I have not had any stents as yet. My TX was on 15th June 2013 I was at home for 7 days and I developed a bad bile leak, I went back into hospital where I spent 10 days I emerged with a drain bag. After 2 weeks I had an appointment with my dietician as I got to the hospital doors I collasped , on being checked my blood count was 3.5 I then spent 14 days in hospital having blood transfusions I also had a stroke at this time thankfully with no lasting problems. These days I have down days and up days but mostly good days. I'm treating my recent problem as a hic-cup. I have also developed skin cancer but we seem to be on top of this. So I am happy, if you want more info just ask I'm always happy to chat. Just to keep things from getting to serious I have a few laughts on the way which I will write about on here, no matter what we all need to smile. Take care every one..

pear-shaped profile image
pear-shaped in reply to Brummi

This terrible disease has so many illnesses attached to it - almost feeds off it... I do hope they can treat your skin cancer, this must be horrendous... But your shining personality reminds us all of how to really love and live your life...

Lots of thoughts and prayers for you.


Brummi profile image
Brummi in reply to pear-shaped

Thank you for your support pear-shaped. I'm sure all will be good in the end. Worrying the liver out is the first priority the cancer hopefully will be easily felt with. As for getting through this I have a little black book of phone numbers and I'm only halfway through it

PCBnPBC profile image

I remember your humour, we share a similar outlook, if you are willing, would you relate your story (briefly, just the mile posts) of TX (when it was) , days / months after (did you have issues from the start? when was your first stent? how mant stents? at what months from TX were they, did you have high blood readings (I think mine are ALT or ALP (i get these mixed)) at about 500 now reducing to 350 but still very high, as a result of poor bile duct drainage, interested in hearing your story (not to frighten me) but to have better understanding of what can go wrong, how fast etc. I am feeling positive, but the consultants are careful not so suggest I am out of the woods, the way I read their comments are : all could go tits up suddenly, then an emergency TX, or I could puddle along for 2 - 3 years, then decline slowly leading to a TX or all might settle down and who knows how long I might have.... interested in hearing your story if you have the time and inclination to share.... is there a common belief that the initials have caused greater risk for those who suffered this abuse? is there a group of individuals who have sued? my consultants and surgeons were (are) noticable by their humility, or lack of arrogance, I guess yours allowed his ability to go to his head...... how urgent is your TX? keep me informed, keep taking the mickey out of life, let the world know you are not scared, and are ready to fight what ever is thrown at you (I sense this is your style) and I like it!! on wards and upwards, Charlie.

Abby14 profile image

So sorry :( At least your new liver isn"t rejecting yet! That could buy you time for them to find you another one! Hopefully they can find a way to sort out your blocked bille ducts! Good luck :) keep us posted! Wish me luck still waiting for my Mri results!

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Abby14

This is a very old thread and sadly Brummi passed away. Sadly some time after transplant it was discovered he had cancer in his bowel.

Abby14 profile image


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