Generally well but get pains. In side & around ribs...have enlarged spleen to add to it!! Should I just live with it?
Hi all, I have recently been diagnosed... - British Liver Trust
Hi all, I have recently been diagnosed with 'burnt out' NASH & child's level 4/5 cirrhosis. Can anyone suggest any pain relief that is safe

According to my husbands drs and consultants - live with it !!!!!! - sorry not much help but my husband has gallstones as well as HCV cirrhosis varices enl spleen. On list for transplant and basically paracetamol is the best they can do !!!!!!!! However if pain is not that bad - paracetamol is very effective if taken regularly !!!!!
When I had very bad pains, and couldn't function, I went to the hospital and they gave me pain relief via IV. In terms of every day though, I would try to live with it if I could. I'm sorry you're in pain
thanks for the replies..guess I'll have to get used to some odd aches & pains. Is there any chance of the symptoms improving over time? I have mild cirrhosis & am doing all the good stuff.
Bless you xxx it's not nice !!! My hubby had abdo pain for several years leading upto diagnosis but he is on transplant list and quite poorly and has gallstones !!!! So his pain maybe different to yours - he has just had appt at Kings and despite the 'myth' consultant said best analgesic to take with liver disease is Paracetamol !!!! So I know people will go oh !!!! But have heard it several times - best to have it regularly - spaced out throughout the day (2 tabs 4hourly to a max of 8 tabs in 24 hours) - apparently it is safe !! As I asked several times
- been giving hubby 1 tab 4 hourly - and pain has eased xxxxx good luck xxxxx hope storm didn't hit where you are - we in Bmth and not a breeze !!!!!!

Thanks Robswife.
Also live near Bournemouth, & got 99 mile winds.
Still working & am in Sweden today where the storm hit again!!
Good luck with tp.