Do you feel that transplant centres ar... - British Liver Trust

British Liver Trust

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Do you feel that transplant centres are appropriately situated in the UK?

19 Voters

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5 Replies
flapper profile image

although I would have travelled anywhere for my daughter's treatment, a two month stay in a hospital two hours from home meant we were more isolated from friends and family that we would have been if she was able to be treated closer to home

Karlacairns profile image
Karlacairns in reply to flapper

It would be nice to be closer so more family n friends could visit , but it's also what is best for our loved ones , we do wot we have to do , pray your daughter is on the mend xx

dollyman profile image

Dumbed down to a yes/no answer the question is unlikely to extract useful information. Accepting that specialist treatments cannot be provided everywhere one may be perfectly happy to travel whilst understanding that the Southwest of England and the Northwest are areas ill served currently.

Dorset123 profile image

Would centres like Southampton/Bristol count since not generally considered major centers but I think do some? transplants?

Karlacairns profile image

My sister had a transplant in march and is still in ICU . we lived in a hotel round the corner to the hospital for 2 weeks ,so we could be close to her , but when we was told she will be in ICU for weeks if not months ( now in our 14th week ) we decided to come home , we travel everyday, it takes us a hour n half ,to three hours to get to her it just depends on the traffic but it's worth it , as the hospital has been fantastic so we wouldn't want her anywheres else to be honest , just praying for the day we get her home x