🍁🍁🍁September Quest week 2: leaf your tro... - Bridge to 10K

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🍁🍁🍁September Quest week 2: leaf your troubles behind and embrace a new season! 🍁🍁🍁

MissUnderstanding profile image
23 Replies

Hello again Questers and welcome to anyone joining in this week. We’re on week 2 of September’s quest. How did last week go? Did you hit all your goals or are some still a work in progress. Are some of your goals looking like they might need altering to reflect how things have gone? Wherever you are, it’s a good time to sit down and think through the wins and the challenges.

My week? Tricky!! The running has gone really well with the return of cooler weather and night runs for me. It turns out I was fitter than I thought and worse at running in heat than I thought!! Definitely good to know. The three run goal was a happy win for me.

The best thing is I’m in a much, much better place starting off this new week of questing. That’s especially good timing because I’m due to run my first event in over a year next weekend. I was running 10k comfortably a few weeks about but haven’t been there recently. I had a super confident 5k this morning so I think if I take it easy, potentially jeffing then I’ll get round and finish with a smile. That’s my goal for that event-nothing about pace. Just to accept my medal feeling pleased with myself.

One of the trickiest things this week has been my fridge freezer breaking and still being without one. Healthy eating? That went in the bin in favour of survival mode. It’s back on for next week. All my headspace has been taken up with that, and some other house niggles (leaking roof etc!) so looking for a strength plan didn’t happen. I was also stuck in waiting for tradespeople so I missed a fair bit of my usual gym time. Ah well, these things happen. This week will be all about getting ready for Sunday and that means eating as well as possible, sleeping as well as possible and avoiding as much stress as possible-all official advice from my physio!! We’ll see how that goes.

So this week…

🍁 Two (maybe three) chilled runs leading up to the 10k event next Sunday

🍁 Eat well, sleep well and manage stress well ready for Sunday

🍁 Keep in mind the “run for joy” goal for Sunday when the gremlins inevitably strike!

Now it’s your turn! How have you been doing with your goals? Are you adding or taking any away for this week?

Can’t wait to hear from you!

MissU and the team xx


For any newbies, here’s what it’s all about:

What is the Quest?

The aim of the Quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

The Quest takes one calendar month. You can join at any point during that time.

You need to be a C25K Graduate before joining the Quest. The reason for this is that pre-graduation your week is very much structured according to the C25K programme, and I wouldn't want the Quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:

★ To run three times a week

★ To slowly increase distance

★ To train for a specific race

★ To add strength and flex exercises to your weekly routine

This is a personal challenge, so it's completely up to you! If you want to join, all you have to do is comment below with something like: “I would like to join the quest”, or, “count me in! I would like to...”

Any questions, just ask! Come and say hi!

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MissUnderstanding profile image
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23 Replies
Folkylass profile image

Good morning  MissUnderstanding . A big thank you for guiding us gently into the second week.

Well since last Sunday I’ve actually only managed one walk which was yesterday ( Saturday). There is a very good reason for that. We have had rewiring carried out in our bungalow so workmen have been here most of the week. Then I didn’t run on Thursday as that was a visit to my hairdresser. Anyway I did manage a walk yesterday. So that’s where I’m at at the moment.

However on Monday I’m starting my virtual Great north Run Solo.,that’s over 28 days.

So for me my goals for the second week of the September Quest.

I’m going to :

Commence my Great North Run virtual challenge 50k over 28days🍂🍂

Try to run more than once 🍂🍂

Run for longer.🍂🍂

Incorporate more walking 🍂🍂

Stay positive.🍂🍂

Stay motivated.🍂🍂

Keep eating more healthy and keep losing more weight till I reach my goal🍂🍂

Good luck everyone on your quests.🙋‍♀️

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toFolkylass

Great mix of goals! That Great North Run challenge sounds fun. Is it a big step up from what you ran last month? Is walking allowed too? I hope you’re getting some nice bling at the end of it!!

Have a great week! ❤️

Folkylass profile image
Folkylass in reply toMissUnderstanding

I think you can walk a little however I’m trying not to and just running in small manageable chunks. However I do Jeff very quickly sometimes so I think that’s ok. I’ve already covered 5k this morning so all good there and yes at the end of it I shall get a medal 🏅 👍

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toFolkylass

Congrats on that 5k! A great start. I guess I’d just be anuper careful about how much you’re increasing the volume of running you’re doing and adapt as you need to. The bling will feel great however you get there!

Have fun questing! Can’t wait for the updates!!

Folkylass profile image
Folkylass in reply toMissUnderstanding

Thanks MissUnderstanding yes I’m definitely going to be super careful as I really don’t want peak to soon and then have to abandon the whole thing. So as I’ve already done 5k today my aim will be to do a smaller run on Wednesday and then a slightly longer run on Saturday . Very sensible I think. Will keep the updates flowing 😀🥰x

NatureGreens profile image

Hello, I’d really like to join the quest 😊 - and thanks for pointing me over here!

I’ve only very recently graduated from C25K and found myself a bit unsure about consolidation. I had some valuable advice over on the other forum so my goal for this week is to put that into practice.

That looks like:

- 3x consolidation runs without being hard on myself (e.g. run-walk is ok if I need it!)

- Exploring this community

- Taking a look at other running apps

Basically just strengthening my enjoyment of running 💪

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toNatureGreens

Great to see you here! The site has been a bit glitchy so this is my third go at replying…I’m crossing my fingers the tech gods are in a good mood!!

You’ve got some really great goals there. I find just typing the words “I will run three times this week” makes it so much more likely to happen. There’s a wealth of experience here so ask any questions that pop up and people will share what’s worked for them. Nike Run Club is a total cheese fest but it’s done wonders for my running. You’ll find what suits you.

Enjoy being on the Bridge to your next milestone (which is a milestone in itself!) and have a great week ❤️

CBDB profile image

your gremlins sound like my gremlins. So much familiar stuff, do you also have an old house, by the way? our one sun window often leaks when it rains, annoying! Also one drain always comes off and pours all rain to the side of our waterbutt(!), making a corner of the house damp. So every time it rains we have to go out, making sure the drain is still properly fixed! And our fridge seemed to break down 2 weeks ago, but a guy came and fixed it! We were so overjoyed, thinking that we might have needed to get a new one. All good so far.

And my running was also so so last week, with work and all sorts of other things interfering with my fabulous plans! How dare they!

So what were my goals for the month and how have I progressed?

⭐️ Finish C25k: I’ve just started week 8, but only managing one run last week, so going ok but could be better.

⭐️ Row, walk, S&F as usual: walked a couple of times this week, so that’s good. But I haven’t found a rowing plan I fancied, so still in limbo with my rowing. Managed to row only twice last week!

⭐️ … oh, …. and watch as much of Paralympics as I can. Yey!!!! I managed this one just fine and it was great! Closing ceremony tonight!

So ok-ish, but hopefully there will be more weekly running and rowing in the weeks to come.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toCBDB

The house isn’t that old but the whole street always seems full of scaffolding!! Luckily we like where we live so while it’s a nuisance to have constant bits falling down, it’s (at the moment!) worth it.

Life is a pain for getting in the way of running! Good luck with your goals this week-a nice mix as ever!

SueAppleRun profile image

I'll have to go back and look at what last week's goal was, just staying out of hospital is a bonus, not able to walk to the beach yet but will I'm sure.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toSueAppleRun

I’m sure I speak for many, many others when I say that we’re all hoping you get your beach walk soon. Step by step and you’ll get there. ❤️

Annieapple profile image

I personally love the Quest & its ever present challenge to keep running or walk your way back!! The photo this week is reflective & very beautiful! My challenge is to keep motivated while medically unfit to run so in this vain ……

🍏 Read my new book by Brendan Leonard with the controversial title “I h❤️te running and you can too

🍏 Do the exercises stretches walking and deep breathing prescribed

🍏Swim once a week

🍏Accept and adjust to my new normal (thanks @Oldfloss)

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toAnnieapple

Thank you! I took the photo on holiday in Helsinki last year-it's a place called Seurasaari and it was beautiful. Apparently there were red squirrels all over the place but not on the day we visited! Some very tame bluebirds followed us round-l've never felt so much like a Disney princess in all my life!

That book sounds really interesting. I'll look out for it in the library!

You've got some great goals for the week. It might be a journey back to running again, but you're taking steps in the right direction and you've got loada of supporters here ❤️

drl212 profile image

Thanks for the post! All the best in your race...!!

Look forward to seeing that bling...

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply todrl212

Thank you! It’s been a while since I’ve done an event and I’m really looking forward to it. Plus, being totally practical about it, I actually need a new running top!

Spotted your injury post-sorry to hear you’re on the couch. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you get all the advice and support you need. ❤️‍🩹

Oldfloss profile image

Hello ! I did actually groan when I read that title ! Leaf your troubles behind... !

Perfect though. Enough dwelling in the slough of despond , I need to do just what that title suggests... in a sensible way... :)

So : Quest this month

This week. The Seven Tibetan Rites Challenge begins on S and F and I am in. I used these after illness before and they work. I have used them off and on since. I do the seated version and they are fun and you do feel the benefit.

: Yoga. Morning wake up as usual... plus some for lower back this week I feel !

: Arms and legs work, alongside Mr OF who has said he wants to improve muscle tone in those limbs!

: Runs. Hmm .

Weather and life have been against me . but on the positive side. the garden and the beams are glad of the rain! Picking a handful every day ! I am not getting out or as far as I would wish, but I am out when I am able...

I intend finding some dry and not windy gap where I can run longer. I have a 10K to do before the 15th!! No pressure though.

I will do it, even if togged up in a waterproof all in one! I am just joking on that although I did see someone running once in waterproof coat and trousers, once. They looked very hot and sweaty !

I may need to jeff, my 10K, but that is fine with me:)

Thanks for this...it is good to see you feeling more like the, running you, and knowing that you are feeling so much stronger .

Happy Questing everyone!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toOldfloss

Apologies! I love a dodgy pun! Sounds like you e for some great plans for the week ahead. So glad things are going on the right direction. A new (old revived) challenge in the Tibetan rites sounds like it’s come along at just the right time. Enjoy!

Can’t wait for the report on your 10k…run, walk, run-walk-whatever brings you joy. I hope you’ve got something special waiting on the finish line 🏅. It’ll be well deserved ❤️

GoogleMe profile image

Oooh, I feel your pain on the specific house woes, as does the wider GM family. All so hassly to sort out. (Although I am thinking there may prove to be a silver lining in not having managed to replace our rat-ravaged kitchen yet as the floor may need to be dug up)

I didn't get a run in on my Harrogate break, possibly chiefly weather related but we did lots of things and lots of steps. I've just had two days assisting with an art show which is always exhausting but often shows little in the way of exercise, but I managed to sort that this time which was pleasing.

Reason to think I might get my 5K medal run this week and somewhere new which will be exciting. Must remember to ensure my running clobber is in the car as I don't want to push my luck with too much running in my sandals, especially on hard-ish surfaces.

On track with both average active walking minutes *and* number of 'Active 10s'... not way out in front so need to keep an eye on it.

Yoga I could do to step up with a bit (I'm on 5 sessions) but getting back to including some personal practice sessions has been satisfying. I had to delete the class app to try to address some battery issues.

Pelvic floor exercises - 100% record the last 7 days.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toGoogleMe

Sometimes with the best of intentions, holiday runs just don’t happen. It sounds like you did a brilliant job of keeping active anyway and that’s to be celebrated. In fact, you’ve got loads to celebrate! Lots of goals ticked. I hope this week is another good one for you! ❤️

Yesletsgo profile image

Busy week for you MissUnderstanding but Sunday will be worth it, just take it easy in the run up (pardon the pun)

I'm off on my travels tomorrow. I got up a bit late this morning and it was raining so I didn't run, and I doubt I'll have an opportunity again until the weekend so this week's Quest is very modest.

Walk at least 2km/10,000 steps a day (whichever is the lower ;) ).

Next week I should be back using my running shoes for what they are made for :)

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toYesletsgo

How exciting for you! Any room in the suitcase for me? Hoping it’s a great time away. A modest quest is totally called for. Hoping for some lovely pics!

Thanks for the good wishes for Sunday. After a lot of unexpected trickiness, just standing on the start will feel wonderful, ❤️

Fionamags profile image

Thanks for setting us off on week 2 with a lovely photo!

My week was a bit varied.... I ran twice rather than three times since my week was broken up firstly with meeting up with old colleagues on a run day and then horrendous rain. But seeing old friends was lovely and well worth giving up the run for!

The other goal was to extend one run. However, I just about burst a gasket trying to improve my 5K time and thought in the circumstances, a gentle 30 minute recovery run was in order! I will post separately about the joys of my 5K.

Onwards to week 3 I have one gentle run under my belt with 2 more to go. This week I will forget about trying to improve speed and instead focus on extending the distance to 6K. The final run of the week will be interval training.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply toFionamags

Two runs in a busy week, especially with the weather as it’s been, is a win!! Life sometimes just gets on the way and doing what you can is to be celebrated.

Great plan to focus on distance this week. You may well find that speed follows as a side effect. I found aiming for hitting particular distances and then getting faster at them later worked well for me. The Nike Run Club has you doing all the long runs of the week at easy pace with speed on other days. I love an interval run-enjoy yours!

Have a great week! ❤️

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