Yesterday I ran the NRC 5x5x10k pace run and realised afterwards that one of the intervals was a minute longer than it should have been. I ran the same run a few months back and just had a look at my stats for the last time I did this run.
On my first go the timings for the intervals were 1-5'16", 2- 6'16", 3-2'14", 4-5'24", 5-6'17 and 6-5'54" (the length of the interval, definitely not my pace lol).
This time every interval was 4'59" EXCEPT interval 5 which was 5'59"
Has anyone else had a similar issue with this (or other) NRC guided runs. I have to say that I didn't really notice the extra minute this time, while the glitch on the first attempt was incredibly annoying.
PS I just had a look at my post on here about this run, I didn't even notice at the time how 'off' the timings were so I'm obviously projecting my irritation onto my former self 😂