(not)parkrun : Good morning everyone. Happy... - Bridge to 10K

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damienair profile image
65 Replies

Good morning everyone. Happy Bank Holiday weekend. In Ireland we are having our Bank Holiday weekend next week. Congratulations to AlMorr today on his 50th (not) parkrun. That is a great achievement Alan and very well done. Well done too to all of you who have kept this going ever since parkrun stopped. I am really grateful that you all joined in. Hopefully in a month England will be back up and running with parkrun and I’m sure that within a few weeks and a couple of months Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland will be back too. I’m not generally a very emotional person but I’m going to be a blubbering mess on the start line for my first return to parkrun.🥲

But until then we will keep our weekly (not)parkrun going. If you are new and reading this for the first time you are very welcome to join in. We just run on our own, 5K, you can walk or jog too. And report back here afterwards and let us know how you got on. I’ll be doing my (not)parkrun tomorrow. Today I am Godfather for my little 6 month old nephew at his Christening. Just a small little back garden family get together. I’m looking forward to it. Getting ready to leave soon. The world is opening back up again slowly. Isn’t it wonderful.

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damienair profile image
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65 Replies
cheekychipmunks profile image

Fantastic AlMorr ! Well done. 💥💥💥

Thanks so much for keeping us motivated Damien. There have been so many Saturdays when the thought of this post has helped kick me out the door. I haven’t missed a single one, but I have to admit to not bothering posting the super slow muddy and soggy ones on the (not) PR app.

Today was a bit of a meh one. Dare I say it was too warm? I know I should be grateful, but I need to start drinking more water again. It was still great being out though, and I trotted home in 35:38. No records for speed or lack of speed, just meh!

Logging it as my finale to the wonderful COGH virtual relay too! 🙏🏻🥰🏃‍♀️

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thanks Cheekychipmunks, not a fast run for me either but I enjoyed my 50th not parkrun. 😊 🏃🏾

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to AlMorr

Well done Al; raise your bat to the pavilion and milk the applause !! 👍

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Thanks Beachcomber66, I could have got a sub 35 minute 5K today, however, as the sun was blazing down and it was getting warm, I set my metromone app at a low cadence, only 160, to avoid sweltering during the run, I was expecting the run to be +40 minutes, so I am quite happy with it being sub 39 minutes, that was also my last run for the COGH Challenge.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Not too warm cheeky, we're just late for acclimatising. This will feel cold in a few weeks...

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Keeping in touch I have with we 🐌🐌🐌🐌: You will be speeding away on your next run👍

damienair profile image
damienairAdministrator in reply to cheekychipmunks

Very well done Cheeky. Nothing at all wrong with that. Great running. All the Meh runs build character and open the door for the great runs. Happy running.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to damienair

Thanks Damien. Yes you’re right. And I have to think of that run as being a phenomenal one a year ago - our expectations change don’t they? 😀

Sandie1961 profile image

Good morning and happy Bank Holiday weekend! It is a beautiful day here 🌞🌞🌞 Have a fabulous day with your little nephew Damien.

My 50th (not) parkrun today too. I had intended to get to 50 the week before real parkrun started again, but we know what’s happened to that 😢 Anyway I decided I might as well carry on, so with a couple of extra mid week (not) parkruns logged, I set off today for #50. A (not) parkrun PB and, at 29.47, my 1st sub 30 since December 2019. Whoop whoop, I am one very happy bunny 🐰🥳💥

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Yay! Great way to celebrate you're 50th Sandie! 👏👏👏

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Well done on your 50 not out Sandie; a speedy celebration run. You are clearly in good fettle for the start of the race season.🙂👍

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Ah, trotting round Scottish hills and Lakeland Fells must have done me good! Cheltenham 2 weeks tomorrow 😃😃😃

JonathanP profile image
JonathanPGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Well done Sandie - great to get a sub-30 on your 50th!

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to JonathanP

Thanks Jonathan. I hoped I might get close, so really pleased 😃

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Well done on your sub 30 Sandie. Brilliant

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy. It has been a long time coming!

damienair profile image
damienairAdministrator in reply to Sandie1961

Oh wow Sandie. Huge congratulations to you on your 50th (not)parkrun. And what a way to celebrate it, with a sub 30 minute run and a (not)parkrun PB. Very well done.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to damienair

Thanks Damien. Mega effort, but such an occasion deserved it!

skysue16 profile image

I enjoyed a slow (not) Park Run this morning. Started off early and not sunny but still very humid 🥵

damienair profile image
damienairAdministrator in reply to skysue16

Very well done on your run.

Week7 profile image

Hi Damien,

Congratulations AlMorr!

Just did my (not ) park run 30:14 so not a PB but the faster fir a while and definitely my fastest from a standing start-all my fastest have been last 5k of a longer run bizarrely!

Been a bit slack on the running front after 2nd AZ vacc and being very busy work .I really enjoyed this morning -a good run skwahelps to remind me why I run. -Afterrun glow and as good cup of coffee!

Hope the weather is good for the Christening Damienair- .

Run safe all.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Week7

Thanks Week7 😊 👍

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to Week7

Nothing like that post run glow Week 7, it's what keeps a lot of us running 👍

damienair profile image
damienairAdministrator in reply to Week7

We had a fabulous time for the Christening garden party. It was so nice to see everyone again. Well done on your run. I had my second jab yesterday and all is well. I feel great. I’m very busy with work too. Getting crazy actually. Up 400% on this time last year.

AlMorr profile image

Good morning Damien and thanks for the compliments regarding my 50th (not) parkrun.

This morning I ran it at the same place and the same pace for that matter where I ran, run 3 of week 7 of C25K, it is around a local beauty spot around a reservoir 18 kilometers from where I live in a time of 38.47, lovely morning.

I told you yesterday that my neighbour gave me a fitness watch for taking Holly the dog walks, I am learning how to use it, this morning when I woke up my heart rate on the watch was 46, after that run it was 110, so that's not in the danger zone, enjoy the rest of the day 😊 🏃🏾.

LottieMW profile image
LottieMWAmbassador in reply to AlMorr

Congratulations on your 50th (not) Park Run!

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to LottieMW

Thanks LottieMW 👍🏃🏾

LottieMW profile image
LottieMWAmbassador in reply to AlMorr


damienair profile image
damienairAdministrator in reply to AlMorr

Congratulations again Al and very well done on consistently getting out there every week.

nowster profile image

I did a 6km walk yesterday evening (via chip shop).

Warm and muggy this morning. I got out and did a 5km run. Hard in the unaccustomed warmth (about 17°C). I still rattled out a second best time of 29'36". And that included having to pause and go backwards for a tractor that was reversing into a side entrance.

damienair profile image
damienairAdministrator in reply to nowster

Very well done and excellent running. I have not had a sub 30 minute 5K in over a year. That will change with the return of parkrun. Happy running.

RunWillie profile image

Hi damienair and (not) Park runners,

I’m going to be weeping with you all when you return to Park run. What a glorious day that will be!

No ParkRun for us today as lightening hit the beach as one of the volunteers was putting out the return flag. I was impressed we had made it to Park run with the amount of rain we had this morning. Have we turned into super keen park runners? 🤣

ParkRun breakfast was consumed instead and we ran our 5k much later at a slower pace than the last couple of weeks. 30.39 so no sub 30 but back to negative splits 👍🏻

6.32, 6.17, 6.08, 5.56, 5.41

Happy running everyone ❤️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to RunWillie

Nice splits RW! Has all our rain made it's way to you then?

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieGraduate10 in reply to TailChaser

Thanks TailChaser . It’s here but hopefully not for long😎

damienair profile image
damienairAdministrator in reply to RunWillie

Very well done on your negative splits. A couple of years ago there was a horrendous storm. Crazy crazy winds and really heavy rain. parkrun was being canceled all over, but i kept an eye on Twitter and found one which was 90 mins away which was still going ahead. So I drove there and ran in a full blown storm. My wife thought I was insane.😂

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieGraduate10 in reply to damienair

My husband had to remind me we have children when I suggested to press on. Crazy runners 🤣

RunaroundSue profile image

A very important day today.

The 50th week of (not)parkrun, although many of us have been running every week since lockdown thanks to Damienair getting us going with his non parkruns (13 in total I think)

We are finishing the COGH Relay on day 90. That has been so much fun - don't forget to join us on the Team Photo post.


It wasn’t raining, so a nice run this morning followed by a bacon butty.

It is Geoff's birthday so this afternoon his son and family are coming over and we are having Christmas Dinner. Chicken instead of turkey but with all the trimmings plus Christmas Pudding.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to RunaroundSue

Happy birthday Geoff! Yes, thanks to Damien most of us have done far more than 50 (not) and non parkruns combined over the past 15 months.

Funnily enough, we took our 2020 Christmas cake across the country last week so that it could be eaten by family (as we'd normally do at Christmas). Just got the last bits to finish off at home. I'm under orders to start the next one asap as it's matured nicely over that extra time!

RunaroundSue profile image
RunaroundSueGraduate10 in reply to TailChaser

I haven't done a Christmas Cake!And I forgot the stuffing. Probably because I can take it or leave it.

Geoff says thanks.

Oh yes, pianism sends his regards and can't wait until we can all meet again

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to RunaroundSue

Us neither! It’s been far too long 😻

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to RunaroundSue

Don’t think I could cope with Xmas Pudding in 20 odd degrees. Happy birthday Geoff 🥂

RunaroundSue profile image
RunaroundSueGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

We managed :)

damienair profile image
damienairAdministrator in reply to RunaroundSue

Hope you had a lovely Christmas dinner. It is so amazing to be meeting up with friends and family again. I feel like I’m coming out of hibernation.

RunaroundSue profile image
RunaroundSueGraduate10 in reply to damienair

Yes thank you. It is good to see people again.

TailChaser profile image

Oh how lovely Damien, I hope you have a lovely day and the weather behaves itself.

Congratulations AlMorr ! If only we could add these (not)parkruns onto our parkrun tallys, we'd be collecting lots of parkrun t-shirts between us.

Katnap and I wore our 50 shirts again today as, like Al, it was the 50th week of (not)parkruns. I was hoping it would be the last on my hill trek but alas, 3 more Saturdays before I can get back to the flat 3 laps of our local. On the positive side, it will be youngest kitten's birthday on the day parkrun is now due to return so there will be lots and lots to celebrate and an extra excuse for cake. I feel the need to wear tinsel that day, maybe a tinsel tail 😊

So we laid in a bit late today as we were watching Netflix until too late last night. Lots of dog walkers out and Stratford was getting busy for the long weekend. Lovely to see it starting to buzz again but still odd without the overseas visitors. This is the first Saturday since I had my 2nd jab that I've felt normal again, it's good to be back and looking forward to having an easier long run tomorrow. So today's was 27:13, which ironically is my normal parkrun PB!

Have a great runny week everyone 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to TailChaser

Glad to hear the effects of the jab have worn off. Great time on your hilly route. Could be a PB when you get back on the flat!

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

Here’s hoping Sandie 🤞

Beachcomber66 profile image

Well, it's 33 days since my last 5k. I managed 3k pain free on Thursday, mainly through dropping off the pace to a stately 7:40m/k. Today, the sun was shining and I just thought s*d it, I am running 5k whatever. So, I did a much longer warm up walk, threw in some dynamic exercises as I went along and started to run at glacial pace; short stride and low cadence. Probably more by good luck than good management, I made it! 5k at 7:25/k pace so 37:07 overall. No twinges, no pain; apart from the pace everything felt normal, including a flat white at the finish. Maybe I have turned the corner. 🙂

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Good news BC! No pain and no twinges is good even if you couldn’t go too fast. Now you just need to continue being sensible 😂😂

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Sandie1961

As in s*d it I am just going for it 🙄. I can only take so much before my inner idiot breaks through!!I am planning two more 5s than upping the distance week on week. We'll see! September GNR is my only target, so everything is geared to that.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Graduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Loads of time 😃

JonathanP profile image
JonathanPGraduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Let's hope so BC - something has to go right for you soon!🤞

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to JonathanP

Thanks JP. I even forgot my third anniversary of starting C25k on the 23rd. Apart from a 10k Pb, not a year requiring celebration!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Beachcomber66

Whoop whoop Beachcomber66. How great that you are back to 5k. Those snails are definitely your friend at the moment. Slow and steady and you’ll be back where you belong.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy5. Now swimming has started again, hopefully I will be a bit more resilient. Keeps everything flexible.

Dexy5 profile image

Hello Damienair and every (not) parkrunner. You were way ahead of parkrun in setting this up Damienair so thank you. I decided to run yesterday because I was meeting up with friends today and just wouldn’t have been able to fit a run in. So UpTheStanley and I took a pleasurable run along the prom late afternoon. My first run 4 days after 2nd dose and I was quite breathless to start with. But managed negative splits 35.33 and a stop in the beach cafe for an elderflower fizz instead of the usual cappuccino. What a beautiful evening it was. This was actually (not) parkrun number 81 for me as I have been logging more than 1 a week .

Someone had made a heart of shells on the edge of the prom so I leave a pic for all you lovely people

Heart of Shells
JonathanP profile image
JonathanPGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Well done on the negative splits Dexy. Feels good to get that 2bd jab 'under your belt'!😀

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to JonathanP

It does feel good Jonathan. A force shield to protect us.

JonathanP profile image

Wearing my 50 parkrun t-shirt as promised, I set off this morning to do what is in fact my 54th (not) parkrun. It is beginning to feel a little 'samey', so I am counting the days to you know what!

My time was 29.47 - also very similar to previous weeks........but perhaps I'll just call that consistent!😜

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to JonathanP

Oh no! I forgot the 50 T-shirt ! Silly me. I wore my vitality 1000 T-shirt because I should have been in London running down the mall this weekend. Not long till we are parkrunning for real.

RunBrianRun profile image

Hi Damien, yes, only 4 weeks to go and I’m chomping at the bit. No surprises there 😂 In anticipation of said Parkrun yesterday, I started what I hope, will become a more structured weekly speed session, instead of my more usual 10k. The plan is to improve my speed endurance over the 5k,

So, including warmup and 7 x 400 with 200 jog recovery, I managed a 5k total of 31 minutes. It was tough to say the least. 🥵 😅

Birdlady64 profile image

Hi DamienI've been absent on here for a while - this run was my first 5k since injury on April 2nd and my first run in 8 days.

What with everything else that's been happening , the physios exercises and have got to pot and I haven't had the energy to put one foot in front of the other. but I was determined to do a 5k today as my final run of the group COGH Ultra Relay

It was a real struggle, especially over the final 1.5k, but I did it😁

And huge congratulations AlMorr on your 50th (not)parkrun 👏

Aspire24 profile image

A late one from me as didn’t make it out yesterday. For some reason I just feel achey this week. Anyway 5k done this morning before the promised sunshine later. Well done to the 50ers, I never made anywhere near that with injuries!

SueAppleRun profile image

Hello all, 5k run this morning for not parkrun, weather is hot, sun is shining and all’s well in my world, have a great Sunday everyone

LottieMW profile image

Hi Damien,

Hope you had a lovely time yesterday at your nephews christening 💕

I ran 10k today for the virtual Vitality London 10k…so I’m taking the first 5k for this weeks (not) park run.

Splits were 8:23, 8:41, 8:55, 8:23 and 7:56…with a total of 42:18…which I entered as my 40th official (not) Park Run.

This was also my final run for COGH 🥰

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