Where we live in Lincolnshire is somewhat flat, but our french house is halfway up a hill and I guess at some point I had to try to run up one! So as there are no parkruns round here, I set off this morning with a warm up walk down through the vineyard to the road at the bottom. Up the hill to the restaurant, then down the other side to another road, turn round and repeat 4 times in total. Gentle jog back to the bottom of the vineyard and a warm down walk up to home. Blooming hard, 102m of elevation, but done. The view from the top of the hill is worth it though!
Dreaded hills😫😫: Where we live in... - Bridge to 10K
Dreaded hills😫😫

Hills are your friends. Keep saying it.

That's some great elevation change! Well done! At least it is a pretty view as you slog up the hill...... and repeat......and repeat.....and repeat 😰
I had a look at the elevation stats for park runs and that elevation would have been equivalent to 490th/519 runs for hills. I feel pretty pleased with that, because my original thought was “102m - is that all?” 😂

Oh wow Sandie, it looks idyllic! 😍
Good for you for tackling hills. They’ll make you even speedier on the flat. Bonus. 👍🏃♀️

I’m with you on hills Sandie, but every now and then we’ve got to try them out, because we never know where we might be doing parkrun! I hope you had a relaxing time after that.
Beautiful picture of your view.

Ever since we first saw our house 12 years ago, we have called it our “wellbeing” house because it instils a sense of peace. We also feel that it actively expels anybody who is is in a conflict situation. It also probably helps that my favourite local wine is only €4 a bottle 😂

Well done. Training on hills makes you faster on the flat, eventually.

Don't think of them as hills, but as "collines". Collines are softer sounding, gentler on the thigh muscles and lead inexorably to a glass of wine.

Looks and sounds gorgeous Sandie. I have to actively find hills where we live too, but there’s an extra buzz when you’ve done them. Think of that buzz Sandie!! 😀
Don’t know about a buzz TailChaser but there was a definite burn 😂 I just need to tell myself it’s good for me!
I read something that explained it by saying if you were a weightlifter you wouldn’t try to get stronger by lifting weights faster: you’d lift bigger weights and not fret about being quick. Hills are the running equivalent of bigger weights as it takes a bigger force to push uphill compared with running on the flat. And stronger leg muscles lead, eventually, to an ability to sustain a faster pace.

Well done! Lovely photo