It was a cold, dark morning. The wind was whipping to and fro. Neighbors were still snuggled in their beds and warm houses. I drank a cup of coffee, got dressed in my warmest running clothes, donned my gloves and hat, then set off with some walking lunges and skipping. I set my music, fired up three different running apps (to find my favorite of course), and then began my slow jog.
Today was a 5K tempo run. I started out at my slow pace of 11.5 - 12/min per mile. After a 10 minute warm up, my trusty MMR chimed in my ear and let me know to pick up the pace for the next 7 minutes. I ended up much faster than I thought I could do and after the 7 minutes slowed down again for the remainder of the run (fast pace was average 9 min/mile for my quick 7 minutes). I have noticed a significant increase in my pace, breathing and endurance over the last month or so. I think the strength training I have been doing 2-3 times a week is paying off.
I was running behind (pun intended) for work and didn't get my stretching in but feel great. Thursday morning I will try not to sit on the couch so long drinking my coffee.
35 degrees F was chilly but I stayed nice and toasty the entire run. Thank you to all the winter running articles I found online and thank you all on this forum for support! I couldn't have come this far without you!
For any of you running in the dark, I found some armbands on Amazon that glow or blink. They are brilliant, inexpensive and bright.
Keep on running peeps!