Now!vember Quest: Week 2 😍 Get your Now!vem... - Bridge to 10K

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Now!vember Quest: Week 2 😍 Get your Now!vember Mojo here!!!

roseabi profile image
β€’76 Replies


Hello, and welcome to the first full week of the Nov!vember Quest!!!

I know some of you have already got off to a flying start. I am not one of those people πŸ˜„ but I'm looking forward to a week of swimming and feeling strong - and maybe even a little run on Friday!

This week I would like us all to spread around some sparkling Nov!vember MOJO! It's free!! The wonderful thing about the Quest is that here we can share our triumphs and tribulations, and know we can count on one other for support πŸ’—

Have a wonderful week on your Quest everyone!! If you haven't joined in yet but would like to, please comment below - anyone can join at any time this month!!

What is the Quest?

The aim of the Quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you are a C25K Graduate before joining the Quest. The reason for this is that pre-graduation your week is very much structured according to the C25K programme, and I wouldn't want the Quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:

β˜… To run three times a week

β˜… To slowly increase distance

β˜… To train for a specific race

β˜… To add Stretch and Strength exercises to your weekly routine

This is a personal challenge, so it's completely up to you! If you want to join, all you have to do is comment below with something like:

I would like to join the Quest, or, count me in! I want to ..............

Every week of November I will put up a new post and we can all chat about how we are doing. It’s awesome!!! πŸ˜ƒ

At the end of the Quest, there will be a certificate for you to download and keep!!

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and totally awesome month with lots of running πŸ’₯

Millsie-J, Realfoodieclub, Oldfloss, Ju-Ju, and Roseabi xxx

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roseabi profile image
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76 Replies
Dexy5 profile image

Hello Roseabi and VRBs, we have now got our 10k Poppy Run t-shirts so UpTheStanley and I are aiming to do it this week whilst avoiding forecast rain and gales.

At parkrun , a new objective is to become 1st in my age group. Of course it all depends on who attends on any day, but I have been second in the last two weeks. It’s not a race, it’s a run, but a bit of competition is fun.

I did three runs last week but the long one turned out to be jeffing, as we tried to run a new route that would have made a better walk! πŸ˜‚

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Dexy5

Exciting! Well done!!!!

I think my November quest will also become my December quest :( My quest is to run a long, hilly run every week (and 2 shorter runs). I did a hilly 9km in a sunny, pretty forest yesterday. I achieved a new personal record - I stopped TWELVE times! Two were genuine stops, to tie my lace and to take off my jacket. But that means 10 stops to catch my breath! I think I need to slow right down....

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to

You'll get there! A useful practice is: when you feel like you really need to stop, try to push yourself juuuust a little bit further. Pick a landmark close by (tree, stone...) and choose to carry on running until you reach it, no matter how slowly you go. Eventually the landmarks can be further away, and the stops will reduce xx

in reply to roseabi

Thanks Abi. Sounds like good advice - I'll try that. I do need to slow down too I think.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to

Often helps to slow down 😊

cheekychipmunks profile image

Hey roseabi and friends! This is my β€˜going for 10k’ week. Yes it is. I’m excited and nervous all at once. I can’t wait for Thursday when I can get going. πŸ˜€

There will be no speed records broken, that I know 🐌. I just want to trot around happily and almost certainly sob and punch the air when I’ve completed it! πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Then next week I’ll work my way through ju-ju’s magic 10 plan and do it all over again! Odd? Yes, but whatever!! πŸ˜…πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

linda9389 profile image
linda9389Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

AS soon as I finished ju-ju's plan I did it again! And I don't think I was the only one, so not odd at all :)

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

Oh good, I’m glad I’m not the only one!

It’ll be my first time doing ju-ju’s plan when I start it next week because I’ve been flying solo so far. However it turns out my home-made plan is very similar to ju-ju’s anyway!

I need structure, and seeing as how 10k is going to be my distance limit - no interest in going for HMs and above - I’d like to be able to hone 10k and maybe get some bling eventually! πŸ…πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ‘

linda9389 profile image
linda9389Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

I like structure too. Couldn't see myself doing 10k every week, but didn't want to lose what I had gained so did the plan again and thoroughly enjoyed it again too! Just one note of caution - I wasn't interested in going beyond 10k either πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ GSR (10 miles) was last month and I have a HM booked for March. Seems I like structure and progress just a little bit too much. You have been warned πŸ˜‚

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

Hahaha, thanks for that Linda! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

MutleyShuffle profile image
MutleyShuffleGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

Ha ha,sounds familiar! When I was working up to 10k someone asked if I was interested in doing a half marathon - "Nah, not interested in going above 10k" says me. Then as soon as I've done 10k I'm thinking "well, maybe I'll go for 10 miles next", and I've already been eyeing up HMs! Watch out! 😁

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to MutleyShuffle

Oh crikey, doesn’t look good does it? πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜…πŸ˜…

MutleyShuffle profile image
MutleyShuffleGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks


linda9389 profile image
linda9389Graduate10 in reply to MutleyShuffle

Ahh yes! You might as well sign up now's inevitable. However I declare right here, right now, I will NOT be going beyond HM. Not a chance πŸ˜€

MutleyShuffle profile image
MutleyShuffleGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

I'll second that! 😁

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to MutleyShuffle

Now are you two sure about that? πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£

MutleyShuffle profile image
MutleyShuffleGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Ha ha! Pretty sure, if you catch me running a marathon I will eat my hat!! 😁

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to MutleyShuffle

I am going to remember you said that... πŸ˜„

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to MutleyShuffle

You are so on! I’ll provide the hat! 🧒 πŸ˜…

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to cheekychipmunks

Yessss!!! Good luck and have fun!!!!!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to roseabi

Thanks, I think I might! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

EL82 profile image
EL82Graduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Good luck with the 10k! πŸ˜€

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to EL82

Thanks EL, I’m getting the pre β€˜longest distance run to date’ nerves already! πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹

Flaraflarkin profile image

Thank you for hostin' n postin' roseabi 😊 and hello VRBs πŸ‘‹ I'm very pleased to say that I have stuck to my word and have run every other day βœ… One of those runs was a 5k Parkrun on Saturday where I pushed through my gremlin barrier and didn't give in to walking; and again today I ran a 5k at a faster pace (unintentional) and therefore a faster time ~ Yay!! They certainly won't all be 5ks because I know I won't keep that up and will be setting myself up to fail (been there πŸ™„) So onwards and upwards with running every other day at whatever distance it happens to be 😊

Have a great week everyone πŸ¦‹πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ¦‹

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Flaraflarkin

That's amazing - well done!!!!! You can keep it up 😊

MutleyShuffle profile image
MutleyShuffleGraduate10 in reply to Flaraflarkin

Well done Flara 😊 I like your relaxed approach - I always set myself a target on every run - maybe I should ease up a little! 😊

pingubox profile image

Completed the first 5 days of my November run streak 😊 went out for a 5k yesterday and managed to smash my previous PB from September by over a minute and run two of the miles faster than my previous fastest one mile set way back in June! No idea if it's down to the streaking but it's definitely having the intended effect of bringing up my motivation! Hope everyone else is enjoying their challenges

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to pingubox

Wow this is awesome!!!! Well done!!!!!!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi fellow Questers,

So far so good for me. I started my run every other day on 31st October and am enjoying the discipline of just getting on with it as well as the actual running...

Finding the no alcohol drinking ok too. Once you've decided it gets easier.

Doing my stretching after each run gently.

I am thinking of doing a virtual 5k Poppy run during the month too...

Just checked and the 9th of November will be my 3rd Runniversay.

Good luck everyone.😊 xx

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-J in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Well done Jan xxx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Wow! Happy upcoming 3rd Runniversary to you.... and still going strong!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Congratulations - we must all celebrate with a hot cocoa 😊

It's good to have a plan - well done!!!!

SaskAlliecat profile image

I managed my 3 runs and 2 crosstraining sessions last week, despite some challenges. On Halloween I ran on the treadmill instead of outside and after 20 minutes, called it quits. I'm disappointed that I didn't just power through but I *really* hate the treadmill. I decided to not get down on myself and see it as a building exercise getting used to running on the treadmill again since there will be times this winter when I'll have no choice.

I started Friday's long run just as the snow started. I thought "ooh, this will be nice with soft snow falling"..... wrong! The wind was blowing it sideways and being right around 0, it was more like ice pellets hitting me in the face, so I was glad I put my buff on last minute before leaving the house. But by the time I ran 500m, the path curved and the wind was on my back and it was a wonderful 9k run, ran with negative splits and lots of pep left in my step at the end. The fresh snow on the pathways and the slippery steel pedestrian bridges forced me to keep it nice and slow. By the turn around point of the out and back, "Like a Prayer" came on, taking me back to middle school, so I broke out in song. It was awesome! I've pulled out my Long, Slow playlist of the 70's and 80's - lovely to run to (and sing along to 😜).

Last week's crosstraining: a BOSU workout and 40 minutes on the elliptical.

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

Nice work on the 9k Allie... how much snow fell? has it settledπŸ˜‘... take care. xx

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

We had about 10 cm but then it rained off and on yesterday so there is very little left. I had a really wet run yesterday, but fortunately it 4C so it wasn't slippery at all. The forecast now is for highs only around -8 all week so I may get to test out my new winter running gear this week 🀞.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to SaskAlliecat

Brilliant!!! You are so strong xxx

ju-ju- profile image

I am no further deciding on my goals! I have been running in the woods at the weekend and found no fewer than 4 types of mushrooms!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to ju-ju-

Lol, but it's a pretty good lifestyle goal to run through a woodland wonderland xxx

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate10 in reply to roseabi

Perhaps that’s the goal!

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to ju-ju-

A fabulous one!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate10 in reply to roseabi

🌲 πŸ„πŸ˜Ί

linda9389 profile image

Can I be a latecomer please? Missed this last week.

I've signed up for a virtual 50 miles in November, so my first target is to complete that distance.

Secondly I need to have half an eye to starting my HM training, so want to add some of these speed/interval type runs which I have successfully avoided so far, and finally - again thinking of that HM distance - I want to do strength and core exercises on any day I don't run (to make the HM distance I recognise I now need to do more than increase by 1k a week, I'm simply not fit enough to keep doing that to the 22k without injury and misery :D :D :D )

It's out there - I am now fully accountable :D

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to linda9389

Awesome - welcome!!!

GoogleMe profile image

Progress: two yoga practices

Anti-progress: MrGM deciding (very appropriately for Bonfire Night) it was time to eat the sticky toffee pudding that had been lurking in the freezer for months.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to GoogleMe

Ha ha, well done. And at least the pudding isn't lurking there any more 😊

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to roseabi

Now 4kgs over healthy BMI... much of which is down to 'tidying up' food. Keep telling myself it is still a waste if it's on my waist.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to GoogleMe

Hmmm, sorry didn't mean to make light of it πŸ˜” Sounds like you know what to do though - good luck and keep at it xx

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to roseabi

No worries... I enjoyed the thought as it was *exactly* what I thought!

O505k profile image

Pleased to say I have managed 2 runs so far in November. Sunday I wasn't feeling 100% so stayed close to home on my 5k route. Even managed an hour of Core excises, using the videos as there was no class. Not a bad start to the month.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to O505k

Great stuff, well done!!!!

Fabulous450 profile image

Hello everyone!!

I’ve just started a new β€œGet More Fit” plan on Nike+App. My November goal is simply to follow the plan. Sounds easy, but if will require a bit of discipline for running and fitness training while I’m away. However, I know it can be done! I can be disciplined πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Happy running and very bright sparkles for Nov!vember Mojo to you all! ✨ ✨ ❀️

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Fabulous450

Welcome - and good luck!! xx

Spangly Mojo back at you 😊😊😊

Flaraflarkin profile image
FlaraflarkinGraduate10 in reply to Fabulous450

Way to go Fabz πŸ‘ŠπŸ¦‹πŸ‘Š

EL82 profile image

After over a week not running due to illness I went out this morn and managed to complete a respectable 5k. Not too fast but not my slowest time. I did some strength exercises on Saturday too. Definitely not on top form but a good start back. This week two more runs to do hopefully one of them a longer run, and strength exercise to fit in between run days.

O505k profile image
O505kGraduate10 in reply to EL82

Well done, not easy to get going when yo are feeling under the weather.

MutleyShuffle profile image

Happy to report I have done one out of the three 10k races I have planned for this month. Oh, and I have reached one part of my quest already - managed to beat my last 10k race time by 2 minutes! 😁 As for strength & flex exercises at least once a week - well I did a series of strength exercises I found on the other night - and they were fab, I could feel my abs aching for 2 days afterwards! (Still got a little paunch to get rid of!) But haven't done any stretching apart from the series of post-run stretches I normally do. Will try harder to fit a bit of yoga in this week.

Happy November running everyone! πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to MutleyShuffle

Wow, great stuff!!! xxx

Tartancat profile image

After completing my first ever 10k last week I promised I would do 2 more this month.

First one completed this morning, in the rain and the wind, and I managed to shave 3 minutes off my previous time! To be fair, today's route was far less hilly, but the one place where I was looking forward to running downhill I had to walk, due to the chalk track having morphed into slime. If I'd had a snowboard I could have slid down it!

Still, feeling optimistic for my next 10k πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸŒ§πŸŒ§β˜”

MutleyShuffle profile image
MutleyShuffleGraduate10 in reply to Tartancat

Well run, Tartancat! 😸 I've got a windy rainy run coming up this evening - if you can do it and still feel positive then I've no excuses!

Tartancat profile image
TartancatGraduate10 in reply to MutleyShuffle

Well, once you're soaked you can't get any wetter - Lord knows when my trainers will dry out!

One tip - wear a cap. I had times today where I couldn't see because of rain running down my face and into my eyes.

Have fun (And you're braver than me. I still haven't run in the dark)

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Tartancat

Awesome - well done!!

Tartancat profile image
TartancatGraduate10 in reply to roseabi

Thanks roseabi 😁. My first run in proper rain too, but it needed to be done!

Wimborne profile image

Hi. Well after 2 attempts last week and failing badly I managed to run on the treadmill tonight for a whole 30mins. Needed to slow down a lot to try and beat those gremlins somehow. I went out in the park at the weekend and ran my usual 5k just to prove to myself I could still run πŸ˜‚. So I now know I can run 30 mins on a treadmill but a slow 30 mins but I am ok with that. Will do a few weeks of the same and then see if I increase speed a little. Still running 3 times a week. 2 at the gym then at weekends I get outside again. I am so determined to beat the treadmill demons 😈

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Wimborne

That. Is. Brilliant!!!

There you go, you know you can do it now 😊😊😊

cheekychipmunks profile image

So I achieved my November quest yesterday and ran 10k for the first time ever, but it doesn’t end there. I’m going to work back up to it again starting next week, and see if ju-ju’s plan can naturally shave some time off!

I’ll also be utilising our rather pricy gym membership doing one of the weekly runs on the treadmill! πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Oh, I requested my badge yesterday and I’m dying to see it ....... pretty please? β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ˜€

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

It’s there cheeky! It looks lovely on you! Look, we’re matching 😁

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to TailChaser

I can’t stop looking at it in disbelief! Aren’t we clever? πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to cheekychipmunks

Great isn’t it! πŸ»πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

in reply to TailChaser

Oh you two look good !

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks Paula, can’t stop looking at it proudly! πŸ˜€

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate10 in reply to

Thanks Paula, it is rather smart 😁😁😁

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to cheekychipmunks

Suits you! Well done xx

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to roseabi

Thanks so much. Love it to pieces! β€οΈπŸ…

APScotland profile image

Oops - I'm a very latecomer to this! But my goal in November is to do 3 strength workouts per week, a minimum of 3 yoga sessions per week, and a minimum of 3 x half hour-plus cardio workouts per week. I've been travelling sooo much this summer, with rare access to a gym so have managed to keep walking and running through it with occasional yoga. Now I'm home it's time to get my strength back and more routine into my life!

So far in November the yoga (5 hours) and strength stuff (4 workouts) are going great - but only 1 run!! The weather has been dreich - but I did 2 x 10k+ hikes and 3 cardio workouts in the gym so far too.

This week I need to make sure I do 3 runs plus the yoga and strength .... may the weather be pleasant! :)

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to APScotland

Never too late to join a Quest.

Welcome, and well done!! Good luck with the weather 😊

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