When I say I threw down the gauntlet, I really mean the ankle support. Having had a whole Grumble of Gremlins try to scupper my last run, I decided to do all that I could to make this one a good run.
I started my preparations yesterday afternoon, when, after a good strength and flex workout at the gym I popped into Boots and purchased a decent ankle support to help with my twinging achilles tendon. I hadn't realised the gremlins could go to such lengths to try and put me off my running, but one had even inhabited the body of the shop assistant. When I explained to her about the twinges in my achilles tendon, and after telling her when it happened, her suggestion was , "Why don't you just stop running?" I nearly said "Get behind me satan/gremlin!" but just smiled instead and carried on with my purchase.
Then nipped into M&S and found some leggings and a top in their final reductions, so snapped these up for about £3.00 each. I just love a bargain.
So this morning, having researched a route that I could run from my front door (no risk of getting stranded with a flat car battery), kitted out in my new attire, and with ankle firmly strapped up, I headed out the door with Sam Murphy in my ear.
It was a lovely run, and although I had a couple of mean hills to contend with, I didn't falter. The gremlins were nowhere to be seen or heard, and I managed to cover a good distance too.