I really enjoyed this small local event. A 10k trail through the beautiful NT estate at Hatchlands Park near Guildford. The course was a mixture of woodland trail, field and farm track and gently undulating. Really well organised by the local Lions Charity although sadly numbers were not great due to there being several other running events in the area today. My only slight gripe is that there were no medals...Ho hum! My official time has just been posted as 58:48, so pretty pleased with that overall๐. Enjoyed tea and cake with the family at the NT cafe afterwards. Nice way to spend a Sunday morning! Not hugely flattering picture of me (in purple with hair everywhere, but proof I was there!)
Hatchlands Park 10k trail...๐: I really... - Bridge to 10K
Hatchlands Park 10k trail...๐

Great time Sandra...deserves a medal in my opinion. ๐
I'm local to Guildford, but haven't even done a parkrun. Woking parkrun looks like it would be ok as its on mainly paths and flat.
I did take a look at the hatchlands site when you mentioned you were doing it and saw it was trail running with undulations...
Well done on the 10k you have my respect and admiration.๐

That sounds like a really nice run apart from no medal! What a great time too. I would love to get a sub 60 for a 10k! Maybe one day.๐

Wow, well done you Sandra! That was speedy, and on mixed terrain too, I did a 10k race today, 1hr 11, which is very good for me โบ๏ธ. Shame no bling, I like the runs at NT properties, the group that do them near us do give out bling, they do a series of 3 10k's plus a 10 miler and HM, if you do the 10k series you get a hoodie or a jacket.......'hoohaah' they are called.
Fab time, well done again!

You look great!
I would love to do a NT run...and have been looking at all the possible sites...plus the Night runs... I really fancied the one at Ilam in Derbyshire... 20th October...unfortunately with little mum to be's date, (22nd) getting closer.. I do not want to be too far away! Still.. always next year!
Very well done you x
I'd like to do a night run too Oldfloss! Am looking at a Halloween one nearby. It's only a 5k but is really hilly, which could be, er, interesting, in the dark. But glow sticks and ghouls sounds fun, I reckon!๐
I know... I really would like to do it...my lovely son in law said he would do a night run with me... here, over the fields.. with head torches.... not sure it would be quite the same....last time I ran with him.. I was exhausted!

Well done - that's an excellent time- and such a beautiful area. Glad to read it was gently undulating and not really hilly. I think the picture is great - you look very comfortable.

Woo Hoo ! Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? No, its our Flying Sandra !
Wow, Well done ! That is an excellent time , especially even more so for a hilly, trail run.
You are doing brilliantly Sandra, Many Congratulations and the pic is fab ! I have got serious hair envy now ! xxx

Well done Sandra, that's a great time for 10k. I think the GSR will hold no worries for you! Shame there was no bling for you at the end, I've run in a couple of events like that but still found them enjoyable. Keep up the good work and see you at the GSR. ๐

Wow Sandra what a great time for a hilly trail run!you are Super speedy!you look great in your photo and having fun too. Excellent! ๐

That sounds and looks gorgeous Sandra and you look fab too! Really upright and in control! And that's a great time too, you must be chuffed with that ๐ค
Before we moved, we lived quite close to Guildford and I use to shop there. Lovely area. x

First and foremost, you are some young thing - and I love the purple T-shirt. Your time is really good - particularly on an "undulating" course (I have a sneaking feeling that means "hilly". Looks like a gorgeous palace to run. Isn't it amazing to think that your doing 10k runss and loving it when you still remember setting off on the first runs of C25K?

Wow speedy speedy well done Sandra!! At that speed you'll nail that 10 miler no problem!! Xx
Great pics too.

Well done! Looks like you were taking it all in your stride! Lovely to put a (slightly burry) face to a name! As I'd previously been associating you with a weight-lifting guinea pig! ๐

Hi Sandra, just reading the Surrey Advertiser, and there is a report of the Hatchlands run...and yes..you are in one of the pictures. 1222. I recognised you๐ great stuff.x