Hello, my wife was diagnosed with triple negative stage 1. She had chemo first A/C then Taxol was told nothing in the nodes. After chemo she had a full mass where then they told us 3 nodes showed signs the next 12 was clear. Then they said she would need radiation which she did. A few months later she felt a lump on the opposite side in her neck by her collar bone the did a test and stated it had some dead cells and some live cells. We were upset with this doctor as we asked for pet scans twice and were told we didn't need them as it was in a central location and hadn't spread any further that the 3 nodes. I asked how did the new lump show dead cells they told us it could have been from the radiation on the opposite side. Well I am no dummy it was from the chemo she was receiving before as I know radiation can't travel across the body. So we have sinced moved to a new onco they did radiation on that node and it responded well now they ordered a pet scan which now shows activity in the lymph nodes above the abdomen. She has been in a lot of back pain lower left side could that be from the cancer in that node? She starts today another round of chemo a stronger kind since it didn't respond well with taxol along with a clinical study. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated thanks
Triple Negative came back in lymph nodes. - Breast Cancer India
Triple Negative came back in lymph nodes.

Triple negative is the most aggresive type of BC.It is unfortunate that cancer moved from stage 1 to stage3/4.
Not all chemo are successful in every type of cancer.It is a normal practice to check the efficacy of drug after few dosages of chemos by Pet scan.For taxol,please take a break after few dosages.The whole idea of chemo is to reduce the size of tumour as prelude to surgery or as treatment incase of triple negative BC.it also has no hormonal therapy applicable in other cases of BC.Immunotherapies are at various stage of trials in US.Look for stage3 trials if you can afford treatment there.
Please note,I am not a Doctor& it is upto you to accept/reject my suggestion.

This is Metastatic Breast Cancer (Stage IV) unfortunately, now that it seems to have spread. Its behaving rather aggressively.
Your 2nd oncologist will lay down the path of your subsequent lines of therapy.
This cancer cannot be cured anymore..but we can certainly make attempts to slow it and control it as much long as possible.
May God give you and your wife strength to sail thru this difficult times.
Hi chad !!...
Sorry to hear about your wife.
In my mother's case the pTNM stage was T2N0M0 along with ER/PR + and Her 2 neu + ; since no lymph node was involved and non metastatic condition was there, she took adjuvant chemotherapy with 4 cycles of Taxol (divided weekly - that is total 12 shots of paclitaxel) along with herclon (herceptin) for 1 year. She also took adjuvant radiotherapy.
She nicely tolerated the Taxol. Hair loss was there but no other major concern was there.
There is one more oncologist- Dr Yeshi Dhonden at Dharamshala Mcleodgunj. He is very famous for curing Cancer in stage 3 or 4. I have seen people getting cured permanently cured.
You follow treatment as your regular oncologist says but if you get time, do plan to visit there. He is truly genius in this field. You can contact me if you need any help regarding appointment to Dr Dhonden Clinic.
Dr Dhonden is Tibetan and follow tibetan medicine. Its not costly and it is quite effective.
My mother is currently taking her regular medicine (Tamoxifen) as suggested by her regular oncologist along with Dr Dhonden's medicine. Our regular oncologist as well as Dr. Dhonden both have no problem taking both medicines together.
I am not a doctor, but what i have experienced, that I have mentioned. To accept/reject my suggestion is up to you.
Yes I would love information on him please.
Dr Dhonden is a Tibetan monk. Dr Dhonden prescribes tibetan medicine prepared by him/his clinic staff only.The medicine is not costly. He check the pulse of patient and the urine sample before prescribing medicine.
You can search for Ashoka Niwas or Ashoka Guest house Mcleodgunj Dharamshala from where you can get token for his appointment. People from all over the world come to his clinic for his medicine. He see only 30 patients per day. So you have to take token atleast 7 days in advance. If you are lucky, you can get appointment on same day also. I have a known person there at Mcleodgunj. If you are unable to go and take token, he can get token for you as a help.
You can mail me directly at amritansh.chandra@gmail.com
or call at +917830004676.
Again I repeat I am not a Doctor, Please consult your regular oncologist before taking medicine. What i have experienced, that I have mentioned. To accept/reject my suggestion is up to you.