19/08/2015 - Doctor said my Mon can't be cured....... Shock to hear that . She will be given chemo and after radiation....... Needed money..... Yearly total it will cost Rs. 120000. Now the think is that where should I get this money yearly to treat my mom. Why to much cost ? What should I do ? Even I couldn't....... Hope the medic was for free ......
Confused: 19/08/2015 - Doctor said my... - Breast Cancer India

Dear sorry to you hear about your mom, but i would advice you please share your mom diagnosis and treatment details so may be someone from forum can suggest you..
1.Specimen - Right modified radical mastectomy with axillary dissection.
2.Carcinoma Right Breast.
3. Total mastectomy (including nipple and skin) specimen ms 28*17*8 cm with tumour in lower inner quadrant ms 6.0*5.0*5.0 cm.
4. Invasive ductal carcinoma.
5. Glandular ( Acinar) / Tabular Diffentiation : score 2: 10 to 75% of timer area forming glandular/tabular structure.
Nuclear pleomorphism : score 2 : cells larger than normal with open vesicular nuclei, visible nucleole and modrete variability in both size and shape.
Mitotic Rate : Score 3(>=8mitoses per mm2)
Overall Grade : Grade 2 : score of 7.
6. Lymp vascular Invasion : Present.
7. Micro/Macro Metastases : Present.
8. Number of lymp nodes with macro metastases(>2mm) : 34 (34/37)
9.pT3 tumor>50 mm in greatest dimension.
10. PN3a metastases in 10 or more axillary lymph nodes( at least 1 tumor deposit greater than 2.0 mm)
11. ER positive & PR positive tumors 78%
ER positive & PR negative tumors 34%
ER negative & PR positive tumors 45%
ER negative & PR positive tumors 10%.

You may avail treatment under the Rajiv Gandhi Yojna Scheme. You ll have to find about this a bit more, and see who is eligible and whos not.
Your mom would need a CT scan Chest Abdoment & pelvis first to rule out any further spread of cancer.
If that is all clear, she may benefit from Adjuvant chemotherapy ( 6-8 cycles)
She would need Adjuvant radiotherapy to the Chest wall + Neck
She will also benefit from Hormone Therapy treatment, advocated for 5 years
In addition, she will also benefit from 6 monthly injection of Zoledronic Acid for at least 3 years.
Try to find out about other centres, where treatment could be done a bit cheaper.
Any Government Hospitals around in your area !
Dr Rohit Malde MD, DNB, FRCR (UK)
Consultant Clinical + Radiation Oncologist
She can be cured as she is still treated with curative intent
This is an excellent video series about cancer. It is in 11 parts but so worth it. It's information to help you make some informed decisions and know the truth. htt://healthyfoodmaven.does.not.know.advertising.is.not.allowed
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