what is the ideal duration between each chemo cycles and what are the normal medicines used for chemo treatment
Rt Breast MRM, ER, PR Negative & Her2 3+ - Breast Cancer India
Rt Breast MRM, ER, PR Negative & Her2 3+

Hi mvpal, welcome to the forum..there is so many chemo regime and which is good for you it depends on so many factor like grade of the tumor, histopathology report, how aggressive etc..so your oncologist is the best person to decide which chemo is best for you....generally chemo is given on 7 or 21 day difference and it depends on some other factors like age of the patient, current health status...Here i would like to remind you very important thing...hope your dr..has already suggested some arm exercise so don't take it lightly that exercise is very important so kindly follow your dr. recommendations...
Thank you very much and kindly tell me the effect of trastuzumab (Herceptin)440 mg injection feelings after dosage applied to our body
Herceptin causes flu-like symptoms in about 40% of the people who take it. These symptoms may include:
muscle aches
Side effects generally become less severe after the first treatment. Your treatment team will monitor you during your infusions, especially your first dose, and can adjust the infusion if you are very uncomfortable. If you are receiving Herceptin every 3 weeks, you may have stronger side effects.

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After 4th cycle our doctor has changed medicine and given paclitaxel medicine for 5th cycle. after 3 days she had severe body pain and her hand and fool become numness. we checked with doctor and finally observed that she had grade2 neurapathy side effect. The treatment was stopped for 3 weeks and now after 5 week gap 6th chemetheraphy cycle with paxitaxel medicine underwent. 2 more cycles to go. please offer comments.