My wife has to undergo radiation treatment after chemotherapy She has already undergone two cycles of therapy and sixth cycle will be over on 9th Nov. What is the gap between chemotherapy and radiation and has she to undergo any investigative test before radiation treatment . She has to continue with Herceptin injetion for almost a year.
Radiation Treatment: My wife has to... - Breast Cancer India
Radiation Treatment

Dear PSRA, earlier i didn't get ur question so plz ignore my earlier reply, generally 15-20 days gap between chemo and radiation...and there is some small blood test is required to do before starting radiation like CBC, LFT, TFT, abdomen xray etc.
I think a CT scan will also be required and a blood test. With radiation, you can continue herceptin.

The gap between last chemo and radiation is about 2 to 3 weeks and preferably not more.
As for tests, usually, routine blood tests are done, especially to check Hemoglobin, since a low Hb will make radiation less effective (Radiation works through oxygen, and oxygen is supplies in the body via Hemoglobin). Apart from these tests, different institutes have their own protocols to do any particular tests before starting RT.
Herceptin Injection usually do not pose much of a problem in terms of side effects. The docs will keep a watch on the function of the heart to ensure it is fine. got the best answer from our Dr. Sumeet.
My radiation got over last month Aug 14. Mine was done in a sandwich method what they call out of 6 chemo radiation came after 3chemo. After 3chemo doctor gave 3 weeks gap, prior to radiation one PET was done. For me it was 33 fractions, everything went well, only in the last week little blistering was there for me on the booster dose after radiation giving 3weeks gap my 4th chemo done yesterday...more 2 to go.... All the best to your wife, stay healthy and strong that's the only word I have to stay...nothing to worry..
I was discussing with my wife's oncologist he is of the opinion that PET scan is not necessary in her case and he can go straight for radiation treatment . She had pet scan before the breast operation.