Second Update! : Hi, all you fabulous... - My Breast Cancer ...

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Second Update!

Vgrady76 profile image
20 Replies

Hi, all you fabulous ladies, well went for results today from my Lumpectomy, I was scared beyond belief......My results were with my Mc Millien nurse who is lovely....and it's not all bad news, it's still a Grade 2, clear margins were taken, and it's not in my Lymphnodes...YAY!!! However it was a bit bigger than they thought, by half a cm, but she said don't worry it doesn't matter, Cancer is all gone! Then the treatment plan was discussed, not sure yet as to whether or not I will be having Chemo will know in a week or so xx

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Vgrady76 profile image
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20 Replies
Jennymary profile image

Really pleased for you that they've got everything, why the delay about waiting for your next stage in your journey, enjoy your weekend and try not to worry xxxxx

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to Jennymary

Hi Jenny , my nurse said it's a grey area weather or not I would benefit from Chemo, so my specimen has been sent to America for them to do some more tests on it , then it will be put into a scoring system to see where I would fall, then a risk system, she said she doesn't want me to have Chemo unnecessarily, so I have to wait for this information it will take a week or so xx

Jennymary profile image
Jennymary in reply to Vgrady76

That's what happened with me, back in 2013 the test was being run as a trial, I was offered the chance to take part, the consultant drew it out like a family tree for me, giving me a one in three chance of not having worked, I had 3 weeks radiotherapy still on tablets, but due for a review later this year, all mammograms since have been clear xx

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to Jennymary

I hope that's what's happens for me Jenny, so many women are having Chemo and not needing it! This way I will know for sure if it would benefit me xx

mrsorangecat profile image
mrsorangecat in reply to Vgrady76

Hi Vgrady, that happened to me too, my score came back from USA as a 9, which was deemed low risk which fortunately meant I could skip chemo and have the 3 weeks of radiotherapy and Tamoxifen for 10 years. We're so lucky to be able to have these tests aren't we? Best of luck for the rest of your treatment, ur doing great so far! 😀 Hx

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to mrsorangecat

Thanks so much for your reply, yes hope I can too skip the Chemo part of it , fingers crossed xx

Good news so far, when will you know about the rest of the plan?

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to

Hi Mrs nails....a weeks time or so xx

in reply to Vgrady76

Let us know how you get on xx

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to

Will do xx

Knockane profile image

That's great news. I had the oncotype test done in America too and it came back at a score of 11 so I didn't need chemo or radiation so hopefully you will be the same. They can only do this test for her2 - early cancer so thats very positive and in your favour so try to relax now. Easier said than done I know but I'm sure everything will work out for you xx

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to Knockane

Hi, I had never heard of this test, but my nurse reassured me that by doing it this way, we will have a better idea if I need or benefit from Chemo, and so I wouldn't need it unessaserily , so I thought yes go ahead, in my nurses opinion, knowing what she knows she doesn't think I will need the Chemo, but Radiotherapy is a definitely xx

pegomh profile image

That’s terrific news! Have they discussed MammaPrint or Oncotype testing now, if you do need chemo? I found MammaPrint very helpful since it tests 70 genes instead of 40. It will tell you whether you will benefit from chemo.

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to pegomh

Yes, Oncotype testing is being done, my specimen is being sent to America, do see if I would benefit from Chemotherapy x

jackearls1000 profile image

Good Morning ...that's brilliant news ...i tell you it wont be long till you can move forward and work towards putting this all to one side will always be there but i've learned to live with it ...good luck with the onco results but remember ...if it is chemo ..its not the end of the world ...and i for one can bot believe i'm saying that is just another bridge to cross to be absolutely certain you have done everything necessary to get rid of this nasty thing...i'm away till next Friday i hope your recovering well and not too sore ...and speak soon ...lots of hugs Jane xxx

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to jackearls1000

Thanks Jane, yes not long now, until I know if Chemo is needed, you are right in what you're's not the end of the world....but if I can skip that part I will be over the moon, still a bit sore ,,but nothing to rave about, have a lovely time away...speak soon xx

RuthJ profile image
RuthJ in reply to Vgrady76

Fantastic news fingers crossed. I didn’t need chemo just 20 sessions of radiotherapy. Hope it all goes well keep us posted xx

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to RuthJ

That's what I'm hoping for Ruth, I will update you all soon love Vickyxxx

Angel259 profile image

Sounds exactly the same as me, i had the Oncotype test which said NO chemo but 3 weeks of radiotherapy.

2 years clear now.

Stay positive you will get through this👊👊🎗🎗💪💪

Vgrady76 profile image
Vgrady76 in reply to Angel259

Thanks Angel, yes I am positive, hoping for NO Chemo as well, so reassuring that all you ladies who responded to me didn't have the Chemo, my fingers and toes are crossed xx

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