Greetings everyone,
Has anyone taken herbal supplements like AHCC or high mg of Vitamin C during your chemo treatment?
Greetings everyone,
Has anyone taken herbal supplements like AHCC or high mg of Vitamin C during your chemo treatment?
Hello Tasenet.When I first saw my oncologist I made a decision (rightly or wrongly!) that I would regard her as an all-knowing all-seeing being and that I would do nothing without her approval.
I asked about supplements. She said to carry on with whatever I was taking (omega 3 oils and glucosamine with chondroitin) and to ensure my diet contained the vitamins and minerals I needed. To do this I continued with what I had already been doing for years, which is to follow the NHS Eat Well Guide.
Hi there. No I have not changed my diet or added herbal supplements during chemo.
I have made sure I ddi exercises : mainly 30 40 walking every day inclusive my chemo days. There are several video s on utube regarding exercises during cancer treatment including chemo. I used these as my inspiration and went through chemo relatively “ ok” just a few days of general unwellness but this settled quickly. No vomiting etc. I am sure it helped me heaps. Succes.