My mother is in her mid 70's
had breast cancer that went into remission in 2010 but unfortunately
it came as secondary spine compression cancer a couple of small tumours that cannot be operated on
due to the area they are in and
she has lost the use her legs
She has a bedsore grade 3 so has
had the challenge of staying in bed for about 3-4 weeks this sore has been healing but has come back again.
My mother is always against my info from the professionals that i relay to her ie Occupational Therapy who mapped her wheelchair so she has a correct cushion for her as her sore is at the lower back just above the bottom as OT understand bedsore
and best way to treat them.
I am concerned she may have starting of dementia as like i say she explains she wants to be hoisted get up and go out in her wheelchair every four days 3-4 hrs in that day which is what the nurse told her .Totaly different to what OT say.My mothers explains she does not want to talk about the subject it anymore ,but it affects me as i still have to deal with all the professionals with letters and phone calls etc i cant just keep quiet as i care about my family .
But this nurse is not qualified to say this is what ti do only OT can suggest a professional opinion .My mothers always goes against the family always knows better and rambles a lot without getting to the point on anything and everything small becomes an argument she seems to get angry at most things and scared what might happen to the dog and worry it may be cold or ill.
She focuses more on her dog than any interest in the family or friends started lying about things which she never did before and is very forgetful ,everything becomes a competition of being right than following the best advice and she does not seem grateful for the amount of attention and support she gets from everyone as explained there are people with very little support from family abd no friends .If i get updates from the nurses or GP she says i am going behind her back and being devious but as she forgets what
has been discussed i have to get some idea to share with other professionals.
She has reduced eating due to her stomach getting bigger maybe because being in bed so long and posture limiting herself to soup and half a sandwich in evening following a fad of Gluten free diet even though never be tested.She is becoming hard to help
as is always against us but we are at our wits end as we and professionals want her to stay in bed being rolled
by Carers 3 times a day to get this sore better for a few weeks otherwise she we be going back to hospital Her condition of cancer is less dangerous than her getting an infection in the sore as the consultant explained.If it gets worse and she has to go back to hospital again as she was already in hospiral before for 5 months it wilk destroy her .I would love her to follow reason and stop arguing for once
but i can only presume this could be dementia from her stubborness that is only going to affect her and makes us sad. I would really appreciate any thoughts please as i am just trying to do the best.